When exercising it is important to know personal needs to avoid unnecessary dangers.
Physical care is important for many reasons. Whether to have more energy, to feel in a better state of well-being or even to achieve the desired body. But it is important to know your personal needs to avoid dangers such as loss of muscle mass if you do not want that result or weight gain.
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In this sense, good nutrition is essential. Because performing exercises without a diet according to the effort can cause muscle mass to be lost that is difficult to recover. In theory, the procedure is simple, but when it comes to putting it into practice, various setbacks and obstacles may arise.


The importance of exercising muscles
Once you reach 60 years of age, the most important exercise is, without a doubt, strength training. This has been confirmed by a recent study in which several subjects who were at or above this age underwent this type of practice two or three times a week over a period of twelve weeks.
Those responsible for the study analyzed the situation and discovered that those who performed these exercises obtained good results in muscle strength, mass and quality, as well as improved biomarkers and considerably reduced the risk of falling.
Best exercises to gain muscle after 60
With these studies, they realized that two strength sessions are enough to significantly improve the muscular situation, especially in strength and quality. And it will only be necessary to lift weights in a set of between 10 and 15 repetitions for each muscle group, with an estimated total of between eight and nine exercises to begin to notice improvement.
These exercises demonstrated that physical training is one of the best solutions to acquire greater health and independence at older ages for the longest possible period of time. Despite the lack of time and desire, these exercises could very quickly demonstrate good results.
Source: Ambito