The measure, announced at a press conference, covers soybeans, wheat, corn, flour, barley and sunflower, among other crops.
The Government announced this Thursday the elimination of withholdings from regional economies and the 20% reduction in export duties for all crops until next June.
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When making the announcement at the Casa Rosada, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, He stressed that “this Government came to lower taxes.” The official justified the decision in the impact of the drought on the sector, and also the drop in international prices.

The measure, announced at a press conference together with presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni, covers soybeans, wheat, corn, flour, barley and sunflower, among other crops.
The measure will take effect from next Monday until the end of June. To access the temporary reduction in export duties, producers must settle 15 days after submitting the Affidavit of Foreign Sale (DJVE), without obligation to ship, which is maintained for 360 days from the Affidavit. You may also choose not to use the benefit and settle within the normal period.
How will the rates be after the reduction of withholdings?
- Soybeans: goes from 33% to 26%
- Soy derivatives: goes from 31% to 24.5%
- Wheat: from 12% to 9.5%
- Barley: from 12% to 9.5%
- Sorghum: from 12% to 9.5%-Corn: from 12% to 9.5%
- Sunflower: from 7% to 5.5%
- Regional economies with residuals drop to 0%. This includes products such as sugar; food preparations; cotton; bovine leather; drinks; sheep (wool and hides); tobacco; forestryindustry; rice; peanut; sweets, chocolates and others.
Source: Ambito