App discounts: Consumer advocates complain against discounter

App discounts: Consumer advocates complain against discounter

Price battle in the discounter
Consumer advocates take action against app discounts

Discounters try to bait discounters. However, customers only benefit from some benefits if they use the app. Protest consumer advocates.

The Baden-Württemberg Consumer Center is legally against the advertising for discounts of discounters when using their apps. Two applications for omission against Lidl and Penny were submitted, Gabriele Bernhardt, head of the Recht Staff Office, told the “Food newspaper”. The consumer advocates see a possible violation of the pricing regulation.

Prices for app users would be advertised- without realizing which total or basic price is for regular purchases. “In our opinion, this clearly violates the law.” Bernhardt said that if the branch, the shelf or handout was advertised in the branch, according to the prize regulation, the total price that applies to normal supermarket customers must always be specified without the use of an app.

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In other words, since the advertising is aimed at all customers, the price that is valid for everyone must also be specified. “We are currently receiving many complaints from consumers who complain about a lack of price transparency in advertising with app prices.”

A spokesman for Penny explained on request: “We have not yet made any complaint. Therefore, as a Penny, we cannot comment on the specific content.” According to Lidl, Lidl is generally not to be ongoing.

Also net and Rewe because of discounts in the sights of consumer advocates

According to consumer advocates, the procedures are pending at the regional courts in Heilbronn and in Cologne. The consumer advocates also prepare another against the discounter net. Legal steps are also checked against the Rewe retail chain.

In the apps, customers and retailers enter into an exchange store: the customer waves exclusive advantages when they register and provide their data. Sometimes there are additional items on offer, sometimes there is an extra discount on reduced products.



Source: Stern

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