The family’s lawyer responded to Pope Francis

The family’s lawyer responded to Pope Francis

The sayings of Pope Francis about what was one of the alleged hypotheses being used in the case of Loan’s disappearance in Corrientes resonated again after the family’s lawyer stated that they were “unfortunate and unrealistic” statements and pointed to Gustavo Verafounder of the La Alameda Foundation, as the one who spoke with the Supreme Pontiff.

“Vera transmitted it to the Supreme Pontiff and made him incur unfortunate and unrealistic expressions”Gallego said. In this sense, once again, Loan’s family points to Vera in the investigation and believes that he is “desperate” to “not go to prison.”

“It was a violent, irresponsible and reckless act, which he attributes to Vera’s desperation due to the disasters she caused in the case,” he said.

This accusation indicates that days ago the Federal Court of Appeals of Corrientes announced that they will investigate Vera in the complaint for illicit association, concealment and false testimony.

“We hope that Francisco will distance himself from this type of subject. We hope that he will receive Loan’s family as soon as possible.”he added.

This statement from Gallego occurs one day after he confirmed to this medium that They have “98% of the case reconstructed” and the role of each of the detainees in the case.

After the lawyer’s accusation, Gustavo Vera spoke with radio Colonia and responded: “We have spoken with the Pope about this and various issues.”

Even so, he recalled that whenever they talked it was on “friendly terms,” ​​but “nothing to do with the issue of organ trafficking.”

“I have a hypothesis, but I am going to wait for the Chamber to resolve, I will reserve. What I do agree with Gallego is that all those who were at the lunch are well prosecuted,” he remarked.

By Micaela Cendra, from Noticias Argentinas agency

Source: Ambito

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