Tobacco products: For the first time since 2019, more cigarettes taxed again

Tobacco products: For the first time since 2019, more cigarettes taxed again

For the first time since 2019, more cigarettes taxed again

In the long -term comparison there is less and less smoking in Germany, the cigarette sales have more than halved since 1991. The numbers rose in 2024. There is a special effect behind it.

The sales of cigarettes in Germany have increased again for the first time since 2019. In 2024, 66.2 billion cigarettes were taxed. That is 3.5 percent or 2.2 billion more than in the previous year, as the Federal Statistical Office reports.

The amount of the taxed tobacco pattern grew by 6.7 percent to 25,152 tons in the previous year. Sales of cigars and cigarillos rose minimally by 0.2 percent to 2.3 billion.

The reason for the sales plus for cigarettes and fine cuts is above all an attraction effect, explained the statisticians. Because of the tobacco tax increase as of January 1, 2025, producers had to order tax characters for the new tax tariffs or for 2025 for sale.

Long -term cigarette sales more than halved

In the long -term comparison with 1991, when the taxed amount was 146.5 billion cigarettes, sales collapsed by more than half. In 2024, 784 cigarettes were smoked in Germany – in 1991 there were still 1,831. Since then, many laws have been introduced to contain smoking, including warnings on cigarette boxes and advertising bans. There were also tax increases.

The tobacco market has been declining continuously for years, said Jan Mücke, general manager at the Federal Association of Tobacco Economy and new products (BVTE). “Nothing has changed in this tendency.” A increased consumption or increased smoking rates could not be derived from the new figures. Purchases on the border are also popular with smokers from Germany, such as from Poland. Around every fifth cigarette in Germany is still not taxed.

For the different tobacco products and substitutes such as liquids for e-cigarettes, there are different tax rates that gradually rise at different times. On January 1, 2022, a separate tax tariff for hookah tobacco and heated tobacco was introduced. Before that, these were taxed like pipe tobacco and thus lower. For the first time, tobacco tax fell for liquids from July 1, 2022.

Paragraph of hookah tobacco increases by three quarters

In 2024, the sales of hustle and bustle tobacco rose particularly strongly, by three quarters to 1,274 tons. There was also a special effect here: Since the changed tobacco tax regulation on July 1, 2024, all package sizes have again been permitted for hooked pipe tobacco. The amount of package of 25 grams introduced two years earlier was lifted.

The paragraph of classic pipe tobacco, on the other hand, fell with 314 tons of a good 21 percent in the previous year. The amount of taxable substitute for tobacco products – such as liquids for e -cigarettes or evaporators – grew by 3.5 percent to 1.3 million liters in 2024.


Source: Stern

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