Controversy in Entre Ríos for an initiative of the ruling party to collect an additional on real estate and automotive taxes

Controversy in Entre Ríos for an initiative of the ruling party to collect an additional on real estate and automotive taxes

From the Professional Council of Entrerriana Economic Sciences, it was expressed in respect of additional real estate and automotive taxes. The initiative is promoted by the government of Rogelio Frigerio.

In the middle of a series of Tax reformulations that are raised in the province of Entre Ríos, for the management of Governor Rogelio Frigerio for the 2025 periodhe Professional Council of Economic Sciences Local expressed his opposition to the collection of additional fees retroactively. The initiative generates controversy, since taxpayers paid these taxes in 2024 without a rule that supported its application.

Through a statement, the agency expressed itself against reforms to the Fiscal Code contemplated in article 27 of the bill promoted by the Local executive. The project, contained in File No. 27856 30700 ME, has not yet been sanctioned by the Provincial Legislature.

Specifically, article 27 proposes ratifying the validity of articles of the Fiscal Code established by the Law No. 10,270, which incorporated in 2013 a surcharge between 20% and 30% on real estate and automotive taxes, identified in the Terr tickets under the concept of “Social Security Fund Law 10.270/Law 10.403”.

Initially, this additional was valid until December 31, 2015, but successive budget laws was extended until 2023. However, In 2024 the provincial government continued to apply the collection of the additional without a current law that would authorize it. Now, the initiative seeks to regularize this situation by establishing the validity of the collection for the fiscal years of 2024 and 2025.

The most questioned point lies in the possible retroactivity of the measure, since It would affect taxpayers who paid the tribute during the last year without a clear normative livelihood. According to specialists in Tax Law, this could conflict with the constitutional principle of legality, which establishes that there can be no tax without a prior law that determines it.

In that context, they rejected the additional collection of real estate taxes and automobiles. “By not having approved and sanctioned before that date during the year 2025 It is no longer possible to legislate retroactively for exercise 2024which is why we understand article 27 of the project, “said the Council. They also anticipated suggesting an exemption scheme to cooperatives and mutual that would benefit these sectors.

Tax regime in Entre Ríos

In the legislative field, the project obtained Half sanction in the local Chamber of Deputies in 2024 and is currently under treatment in the Provincial Senate. The possibility that it is approved generates concern between business sectors and citizens, who could request the return or compensation of the amounts paid in case the lack of legal support is confirmed.

From the provincial government they argue that the ratification of the measure is necessary to guarantee resources for the Financing of the Social Security Fund. However, the opposition and specialists warn that the sanction of this rule could face judicial challenges and open a debate on legal certainty in the tax administration of the province.

The Senate must define in the coming weeks the future of this projectin a context of growing debate on the legality and legitimacy of the tax decisions of the Entre Rican government.

Source: Ambito

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