From this technique, you can see films and series that are not in the main catalog of the platform.
Netflix It is undoubtedly one of the most important streaming platforms in the world. This is no surprise for anyone, since it has an extensive catalog of quality movies and series. However, there is a secret that few users know.
The content you want to access is exclusive to subscribers.
And there is a “hidden” catalogwith contents that do not appear with the naked eye on the platform. Fortunately, There is a simple trick to access them.

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How to perform this trick
Netflix has codes, that is, a Combinations series corresponding to specific categories. In this way, productions can be accessed more precisely. Some examples are: 7424 for action and adventure films; 67673 for documentaries on nature and ecology; 10118 For classic comedies. To carry out this trick, you have to follow this series of steps:
- I opened Netflix from your web browser.
- I wrote the URL:[código].
- Replace “[código]”For the numbers corresponding to the category.
Source: Ambito