For the state of the roads, they ask Luis Caputo to activate the public work

For the state of the roads, they ask Luis Caputo to activate the public work

A report of the Congress Budget Office (OPC) It reveals that last year public investment decreased 75.1% in real terms with respect to 2023. The Government It allocated only $ 2.09 billion to expenses in public works, infrastructure and capital goods.

It is just 0.4% of GDP in 2024, when the previous year had allocated 1.3% of GDP. The problem of the strong decrease in public investment is that the infrastructure resent, which eventually increases production costs.

In that sense, the leaders of the Entities Liaison of the Field are planned Submit an order to the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, to react public works.

Lucas Magano, president of the Agricultural Intecooperative Confederation (Conicagro) He argued that “we are at the gates of lifting a second harvest without investment in Argentina ”. “It’s something that worries,” he explained, when leaving an interview with the entities with the Secretary of Agriculture, Sergio Iraeta.

The ruralists are going to claim Caputo that somehow activates the works to reinforce the country’s logistics, because they need to avoid the deterioration of roads. Magnano said that “there is an investment process that accompanies the current production process process.”

How many investment projects were financed in 2024?

According to the report of The OPC in 2024 only 355 investment projects were executed. Of them, the 15% are concentrated on two projects of the National Atomic Energy Commission (Conea). This is the RA-10 and Carem II reactor construction, of low power.

In the case of investment in roads In charge of the National Road Directorate, the fall of spending was 82.7% in real terms, with an incidence of 20% in the total public investment.


The problem of the state of the routes and roads underlies The controversy sustained by the national government with the provinces for the tax rise. And it is that the governors claim that they are taking care of projects that were financed by Nation.

It should be remembered that When assuming the new libertarian administration there were 2,308 works and that a large part of them were transferred to the provinces to take over. But the reality is that the provinces also suffered strong losses in 2024, both for co -participation and their own resources, and made their own expense adjustments.

In August last year, andThe Executive Power issued Regulatory Decree 713 that launched the private initiative regime, which is supposed to be the vehicle to do public works without using state resources.

To date, the amount of works initiated by this mechanism is unknown. Construction entrepreneurs, who should be the most interested, have not advanced. And is that Not every infrastructure and logistics work can be profitable for a private one to explode. If it is a path that only has high transitability only when there is harvest, the rest of the time has no circulation, so it makes no sense to put toll booths.

What are the 10 main works that financed Milei

According to the OPC, the 10 main public investment projects were:

  • Construction of nuclear reactor R-10
  • Phase II of the Low Power
  • Emergency maintenance on routes
  • Satellite missions
  • Mesh 513 C Route 12, Entre Ríos
  • Route 7 Christ Redeemer
  • Tronador II rocket
  • Ramal Improvement La Plata del Rerrocarril Roca
  • Satellite missions
  • Noa highway runner 66

Source: Ambito

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