The BCRA had enabled the possibility for those who wanted to change them could do so free of charge in banks that adhere to the provision of this serviceuntil December 31, 2024.
Besides, Spotted or deteriorated tickets could be changed. You just had to check if the bank of which one is a client adhered to the mechanism. Finally, the entity decided to extend the validity of the measure until March 2025.
Once the transaction is made, the holders You can choose whether to leave the dollars deposited in the banking system or if you remove themaccording to the deadlines determined by the bank itself.
Then, BCRA himself will be the one in charge of exporting these tickets to the United States to deliver to the Federal Reserve, who will proceed to its destruction and It will import new tickets for replacement.
Everything is inside Lighting of capital that the government promoted, although it was not subject exclusively to those externalized.
What are the dollars “face girl”
The dollars “face girl” They are usually rejected in exchanges within the country, since their price within the informal market is usually lower. Among other things, this happens because low denomination tickets run the risk, according to their age, that lFederal reserve from the United States (Fed) withdraw their validity.
These specimens of the American currency are those issued in 1996, which have a classic and smaller design than the most modern editions. 100 dollars have an effigy of Benjamin Franklin Within an oval frame.
Source: Ambito