Technology group: Bosch’s profit collapses – these are the reasons

Technology group: Bosch’s profit collapses – these are the reasons

Technology group
Bosch’s profit collapses – these are the reasons

E-mobility stalls, the economy is paralyzing-and Bosch gets it to feel. The group remains significantly behind its own goals.

The difficult economic situation is noticeable with force at the car supplier and technology group Bosch. According to preliminary figures, the profit before interest and taxes (EBIT) broke up by a third to 3.2 billion euros last year, as the company in Gerlingen near Stuttgart announced. In 2023, Bosch still had an operational profit of 4.8 billion euros in the books.

Sales decreased by one percent to 90.5 billion euros last year. According to Bosch Managing Director Stefan Hartung, the group remains behind its goals. “Despite all efforts, we (…) could not avoid the economic realities,” said the manager. You are not satisfied. Hartung had already steamed expectations in autumn. Bosch originally wanted to grow by five to seven percent last year. The Swabians were also more optimistic for the profit.

The business was primarily affected by the weak growth of the global economy and “considerable market delays” in future fields. This includes Bosch e-mobility, but also heat pumps, hydrogen and other sustainable technologies. You grow in these areas, but not as hoped. In addition to missing sales, the profit also pressed the still high investments for these areas of the future. According to CFO Markus Researcher, red figures wrote none of the Bosch divisions – despite the sometimes significant decline in sales.

4,400 employ less in Germany

At the end of 2024, the Bosch Group had 417,900 employees worldwide – and thus 11,500 fewer than a year earlier. In Germany, the number of employees dropped by 4,400 to 129,800 (minus 3.3 percent). For more than a year, plans by the company have repeatedly become known to want to delete jobs in various areas. By the end of 2032, more than 12,000 jobs could be eliminated worldwide. A good 7,000 jobs are affected in Germany. Bosch does not exclude further degradation programs.

Despite persistently difficult conditions, the Group wants to improve sales and profit again in 2025. A concrete forecast is expected in May. Then Bosch also presents the complete and certified year.


Source: Stern

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