To the announcement, the specialist understood as “the way in which you You press for resources that are inevitably scarce”And he pointed against agriculture that“ everyone thinks that their activity is very valuable, and, as it considers that it is different from the others, believes that it deserves some differential treatment”
It also relativized the impact on state coffers: “No one can believe that the decline in retentions generated fiscal deficit” “Either they had money left over or they are thinking that the reactivation will generate increase in collection and they can spend, in quotes, on account,” he added.
In addition, he did not share the argument of the rural sector: “I have no problem that a guy is based, because the guy is dumb or things like that. But that a guy is based on actions that are outside the companyof the tax or judicial angle or I do not know how many more things, because it cannot compete against the Chinese, as everyone says, It is a barbarity. ”
Juan Carlos de Pablo
Juan Carlos de Pablo, one of the economists heard from Casa Rosada.
“When they say that international prices go down, I follow the soybeans every day, and the truth is that soybeans did not go down,” he said on Radio Miter and stated: “Now if they come and say that soy was once in 600, you have to understand that each sector and each region will tell you what was once better ”. “That cannot be an argument from the point of view of negotiation. The one of the drought, I suppose it can be more attendable, ”he concluded.
Low of withholdings: criticism from provinces
The government announcement of a decline until June in the export rights (DEX), the withholdings, for soybeans, wheat and corn generated a first wave of almost unanimous support from different sectors that represent the field, but with the running of the days of the days Criticisms have emerged. From Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, Chaco and Córdoba, the time at which the measure will govern, which leaves the medium and small producers, and it was not ruled out that the collection of grains in Silobolsas is sustained “will be questioned, if the tax conditions are not favorable. “
“In Salta and Jujuy we began to reap the maize in July and August. If the measure is until June, they did not take into account to the north”he lamented Francisco VidalPresident of the Prograno Producers Association, in an interview on Radio Salta. “Argentina is more than the wet pampa. It would be good that when taking these measures, the planting and harvesting deadlines are also considered so that we can all take advantage of these benefits,” he said.
The leader expressed in favor of government measure – soybeans will descend from 33% to 26% and in corn will fall to 9.5% – and considered that it will result in savings close to $ 19,000 per ton of soy with current prices. Anyway, he warned: “Last year we needed 2,000 kilos of soybeans to leave, this year that figure rose to 3,000, reflecting the difficulties of the sector“
From Tucumán, Gonzalo BlascoPresident of the Association of Agricultural Producers of the North (APONOR) coincided with his Palsa pair in the loose points of the government’s decision. “As a grain producer, in Tucumán we are a kind of Pampas producers to a thousand kilometers, a piece of the wet pampas put here but does not have the same soil quality, it does not have the same rain and we harvest less, so for us It is short of the measure.

The fort of the corn harvest in the north takes place between July and August, so its producers will not be able to benefit from the decline in retentions.
In relation to the official disposition, he considered that “it is not the best” but it is a step forward, although “the margins for grains are null or negative.” “It is not a matter of scales, the more sowing, the more it is lost when profitability is negative. This is a very small relief that leaves us with water to the nose, but if there is a wave it will no longer be able to breathe “he warned.
“You can’t betray your voters”
Critical expressions also began in the center of the country. This time, of the president of the Limited Agricultural Intercoperative Confederation (Coninagro) Córdoba, Vanesa Padulléswhich was manifested through his account in the social network X. “Exporters must liquidate currencies in 15 days but pay anterior aliquot. Much thirst for dollars, believed that it was more for love of the sector. We do not care, all vampires of the field”.
“Gradually lowering the DEX is like the same as badly: what will happen the day after the expiration measured? What will happen to the ton that exceeds segmentation or the one that does not? When the subject is harmful, it is in all Its magnitude and everything that lasts. And he closed: “The producers will sell the minimum and necessary and the government cannot go back to this extent, but to advance to the remove. It cannot betray part of its voters and electoral promises.”
In the Chaco they also did not hesitate to qualify as a collection. “The decline in withholdings to soy Javier Druzianichdelegate in that province of the Argentine Agrarian Federation (FAA).
From Roque Sáenz Peña, the leader said that for the primary sector of the province the decision will not give any benefit. “Now the producer who is in the farm waiting for a little rain must again do the entire affidavit and in the upward plants the whole paperwork, because if the documentation occurs and in fifteen days you do not dispatch the production, everything falls . “The lower retentions measure was somewhat brought from the hair, and they only seek to make a box, because it is something that was never agreed with the agrarian entities”Druzianich added.
Source: Ambito