In the first election of the year, Libertad progresses is presented without alliances and the UCR and the PRO are joined

In the first election of the year, Libertad progresses is presented without alliances and the UCR and the PRO are joined

February 3, 2025 – 08:42

Santa Fe must choose on April 13 to the 69 conventional constituents and at the same time will be made for candidates for mayors, communal presidents and councilors.

On Sunday night the deadline for the political parties of Santa Fe to present electoral alliances for the April 13 elections for conventional constituents. While it is a local election, the movements are interesting to think about political projections, at a time when the government analyzes possible a possible alliance with the PRO of Mauricio Macri.

From the local electoral secretariat they indicated that They requested their recognition from the provincial Electoral Court nine alliances at the provincial level and four others of a neighborhood. Meanwhile, this Friday the lists will be presented to candidates for conventional reformers and candidates for local positions, such as communal councilors and presidents.

Santa Fe.pdf lists closure

In the April elections, the 69 conventional constituents will be chosen and at the same time there will be open, simultaneous and mandatory primary for candidates for mayors, presidents of communal and councilors for the elections of June 29.

Unlike the movements observed at the national level, in Santa Fe, the Civic Union and the PRO were together in United, which was also made up of the Socialist Party, Progressive Democratic Party, I CREO Party, Union of the Democratic Center, UNIR Party; A new opportunity; Joined; Gene; We make a Christian Democratic party. They also formalized their adhesion, the Somos Cañada party; The Las Couples Neighborhood and the United Party for Maciel.

Meanwhile, the PJ formed the union space for the homeland and will have as allies to the renovating front, Santa Fe hundred percent, large front, and the solidarity party.

Provincial alliances (and their respective parties) are the following:

  • United to change Santa Fe: Radical Civic Union; Christian Democrat; Progressive Democratic Party; Bind; Socialist party; Republican proposal; Gene; Union of the democratic center; Believe; Joined; A new opportunity (one); We do; United by Maciel; Neighborhood Union Las Couples; And we are cane.
  • Broad Front for Sovereignty: South free movement; Of work and the people; Solidarity and equality; and participation, ethics and solidarity (pairs)
  • COMMITMENT: Federal Commitment and Federal Union
  • We are life and freedom: Civic Coalition – ARI; Celestial and White Party; Inspire; Sunchalense neighborhood action: and let’s do.
  • Santa Fe front for all: Federal Party and Federal Front of Solidarity Action.
  • Let’s activate: Movement of Integration and Development; and equality and participation.
  • FEARLESS: Electoral instrument by popular unit; Great Homeland; and for the future city.
  • Union for the Homeland: Justicialist party; Large front; Solidarity party; Santa Fe one hundred percent; Popular articulation movement; Santa Fe renovator front; Solidarity hug; And now if funes.
  • Left and Workers Front: Left for a socialist option; New left; Workers Party for Socialism; and of the worker.
  • Neighborhood alliances (and their respective parties) are the following:
  • Santa Fe in common (city of Santa Fe): Great Homeland; Participation, ethics and solidarity (peers); and common strength.
  • Erre (solve Rosario): Loyalty and dignity: and Santa Fe renovator front.
  • We are Paiva (Laguna Paiva): Movement of Integration and Development; and Santa Fe renovating front.
  • Front trust (City of Pérez): Movement of Integration and Development and Open Policy for Social Integrity.

Source: Ambito

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