
13-year-olds killed: opposition calls for “zero tolerance”

After all, the two suspects are known Afghans. SPÖ security spokesman Reinhold Einwallner attacked Interior Minister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) and also called for “zero tolerance”.

Something goes wrong when delinquent asylum seekers roam free while schoolgirls are deported in the middle of the night, says Einwallner. Nehammer has to do his job. “Zero tolerance has to apply here,” says the red security spokesman: “We have repatriation agreements with Afghanistan, why didn’t we act here?”

Ten-point plan to prevent acts of violence

A “ten-point plan to defend against acts of violence by asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum” again brought up FPÖ boss Herbert Kickl. This includes, for example, the demand to suspend all asylum applications on Austrian soil, to carry out deportations to Afghanistan and Syria as well, or to demand that the asylum procedure be terminated immediately or the asylum status withdrawn in the case of criminal asylum seekers.

The Lower Austrian Asylum and Integration Councilor Gottfried Waldhäusl (FPÖ) also made Nehammer and Justice Minister Alma Zadic (Greens) jointly responsible for the “inconceivable act”. He will “definitely not tolerate a single criminal asylum seeker in Lower Austria”. The 13-year-old who was killed came from Lower Austria.

“However, we must not turn a blind eye to the fact that violence against women has increased significantly in view of the recent wave of migration,” emphasized the integration spokeswoman for the Vienna ÖVP, Caroline Hungerländer. In Vienna in particular there are “terrible attacks by asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum on young girls and women” again and again. Deportations to Afghanistan have to be implemented “consistently”, so hunger countries.

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