
The power didn’t go out, it’s Earth Hour

The power didn’t go out, it’s Earth Hour

Earth Hour It is a global movement in which more than 190 countries and millions of people participate by turning off the lights in their most emblematic homes, businesses, buildings and monuments.

This movement was born in the capital of Australia, Sydney in 2007 and since then the initiative has not stopped growing. It is a form of mass protest representing the fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

When will Earth Hour happen this year?

The initiative will be given this Saturday March 25 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m..



The origins of Earth Hour

The first Hour was held in Sydney on March 31, 2007, between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Although the first year did not have as much scope on the part of the organization, energy savings between 2.1% and 10.2% were registered, which is equivalent to almost 2 million inhabitants united to the cause.

After this emblematic event, the next cities to join were San Francisco and California, launching the American project Lights Out.

This measure is made not only to save energy but also to call for reflection. This year the motto is “Move around the Planet” and in addition to the blackout there will be a race to go around the world. You can do it by bike, running, walking, swimming or walking according to your physical condition. On March 26, all the kilometers traveled throughout the world will be added and it is estimated to reach the number of 40 thousand kilometers.

Source: Ambito

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