After the death of Silvina Luna, what is Lotocki’s judicial situation?

After the death of Silvina Luna, what is Lotocki’s judicial situation?

The doctor Hannibal Lotockiwho operated on Silvina Luna more than ten years ago and you caused serious health problems that caused his death on Thursdayhas a sentence to four years in prison and disqualification from practicing medicine for five years. Although the ruling is from February 2022, the surgeon is still free since the sentence is not firm. In any case, he was recently disqualified from practicing his profession.

The prosecutor who brought the prosecution forward, Sandro Abralesstated during the trial that Lotocki “disregarded the smallest rules of professional practice: I attended places without authorization, with products that I could not use and even He wanted to hold his patients accountable for the harmful consequences” suffered.

The prosecution he had asked for 7 years and 9 months in prison and the complaints of the victims 9 years, but the judge Carlos Rengel Mirat He understood that four years was the adjusted sentence.

After learning of the conviction, the surgeon assured that the sentence was “unfair” since “the product used in these four patients is authorized by the health authorities.

The complaints against Aníbal Lotocki

In addition to Silvina LunaLotocki is also charged as the cause of the death of Mariano Caprarola and the National Chamber of Criminal Cassation is expected to review his sentence four years in prison and five years of disqualification from practicing medicine.

Although the decision of the Justice is not yet final, after the death of the panelist from La Jaula de la Moda, the Court granted a precautionary measure and he was banned from practicing medicine until there is a final resolution on his sentence.

This Thursday, after the death of Luna, they pointed out that the charge and sentence against Lotocki could be aggravated. The procedure would involve the accusers asking for a rating change.

Silvina Luna.webp

Silvina Luna passed away today at the age of 43 at the Italian Hospital.

Lotocki already has one accusation of intentional serious injuriesthat is, it is an intentional crime, so an aggravation of his sentence would imply a homicide.

Silvina Luna and Mariano Caprarola They weren’t the only victims. of the surgeon. Some figures from the show who denounced that they were injected with the toxic substance methacrylate were Gabriela Trenchi, Stefanía Xipolitakis and Pamela Sosa, among others.

It also has prosecution for the death of another patient is being investigated in the first instance.

What Lotocki’s lawyer said after the death of Silvina Luna

For his part, Ileana LombardoAníbal Lotocki’s lawyer, ruled out this Thursday that the death of Silvina Luna affects the legal situation of her client since he pointed out that justice found no “causal link” between the surgeries and the death of the patients.

In addition, he declared in dialogue with Télam that He will ask for Luna’s “medical history” to “find out what was the process” that ended his life.

Source: Ambito

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