
“Messi10” is not just circus virtuosity but also points straight to the heart

“Messi10” is not just circus virtuosity but also points straight to the heart

Cirque Du Soleil He was always characterized by the meticulousness of his art, skill and virtuosity displayed like a clockwork mechanism. However, with the release of “Messi10” Last night at Vicente López’s Complejo al Río, the bet was doubled, since that acrobatic perfection, aesthetics and emotion were merged.

In all Cirque shows you attend the meeting with the best acrobats in the world that, with timed movements, drive the concept of each show, with an aesthetic taken care of down to the last detail. Humor is never lacking, from the hand of clowns always present at the right moments, but emotion is not something characteristic of the circus, which may be identified in moments of beautiful melodies but not much else.

On the other hand, “Messi 10” provided all that together, intended not only for fans of soccer and the Argentine national team, but also for lovers of the circus and art.in a show that puts acrobatics and risk at the service of stadium folklore and paraphernalia focused, more than on football, on Messi.

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With a setting that emulates a soccer field, arches that enter and exit at different times, balls suspended in the air suddenly fall from the sky and impact or move in enigmatic movements on the ground. The clown, in this case Spanish, acts as a referee, talks to the audience, entertains them with white humor gags and uses the whistle, cards and phrases such as “What a look, stupid” to entertain the audience.

The different circus acts take place between hanging and rectangular HD screens, which go up, down and show images of Messi in his different stages. His achievements, defeats, falls, his penalties, goals, effort and giving his life for a goal until he reaches the top. That is the leitmotiv of the show, “There is a hero inside everyone”in line with the naive and optimistic spirit of Cirque.

As for the circus associated with Messi’s life, there was no shortage of acrobats flying through the air, with harnesses and others going up and down masts, to remember the discipline and effort of training. One of the highest points was the entry of two stretcher bearers who assist an injured player, who is actually a contortionist capable of turning from torso to head 180 degrees. What this athlete transmits is unique and the audience is impressed by his elasticity.

The balance that Messi had to achieve to get where he got is seen in the act of the tightrope walker doing all kinds of feats on a rope facing the abyss, although his strength was not the extreme height but the ability to stand upside down on that rope. , among many other feats.

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The fanaticism for video game football appears with a girl playing the PlayStation, in the most cybernetic moment of the show, who brings a strange giant machine and an acrobat challenging her. The question: Who wins? Messi or the machine? Or is Messi really a machine?

In the anteroom, there are games to kick balls and a structure with a giant goalkeeper who saves almost everything, other games to score the ball and other attractions that make this show something truly special, especially for the Argentine audience. They dedicate recognizable songs by local artists such as Dread Mar I. However, in a screening of the show, different testimonies from Messi fans from all over the world are seen, which once again confirms his global reach and what the star is capable of awakening in the public. Tickets for October are sold out and are left for November. They start at 14,500 pesos and it is advisable to bring groceries since a small cone of fries costs 2000 pesos. And that is the cheapest you can find.

There is no shortage of diabolos, jumping acrobats disguised as a golden lion and multitudinous choreographies that make up beautiful images, all associated with sport, competition, camaraderie and team play. Towards the end, the Messi who plays a little game from the beginning is no longer alone and coexists with the rest, in a colorful closing to the whole party. Before that end the anthem sounded “Boys” of La Mosca, with drums, pieces of paper and two giant t-shirts displayed along the stands, to remember the victory of the last World Cup in Qatar.

Source: Ambito

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