Emigrating to England from Argentina 2024: how much is the minimum wage and how much can you save?

Emigrating to England from Argentina 2024: how much is the minimum wage and how much can you save?

It is one of the most popular countries in Europe to live in due to its strong economy and greater security.

Europe It is the continent most chosen by Argentines for emigration. They are attracted by its greater economic stability, its high employment rate and by the opportunities that these characteristics represent for enjoying a better future. England It is one of the best destinations within this region because it allows save hundreds of pounds with low-skilled jobs.

More and more young people are looking to go abroad to escape the ongoing economic crises that Argentina is suffering. The most popular destinations tend to be Spain and Italy because they offer greater flexibility to the descendants of their former citizens and because their culture is similar. In the case of England, language can be a barrier when choosing a language, but English is usually more accessible than other European languages.

How much is the minimum wage in England?

The first offers that emigrants usually receive are temporary jobs in shops, restaurants and hotels. From this point on, the only way to move up is in the salary range. The travel and migration specialist site, Yo me animo, describes that Temporary jobs typically offer average salaries of £1,830about $2,325 at the exchange rate.

How much money can you save in England?

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To know how much you can save, you need to calculate your monthly expenses for your stay in England. This sum is clearer if you separate the amounts for better analysis. It is estimated that an average of £400 is spent on accommodation, £200 on supermarkets, £68 on transport and £250 on extra expenses and outings.

In England, the average person spends 718 pounds per monthapproximately 912 dollars. With a part-time job, which allows you to enjoy free time to enjoy English tourism, you can save around £1,112, or about $1,412 per month. This amount could vary depending on each person’s work and the expenses they have to incur.

Source: Ambito

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