Carmen Geiss: In hospital in Vienna after filming was cancelled

Carmen Geiss: In hospital in Vienna after filming was cancelled

Concern for Carmen Geiss: The reality icon had to stop filming in Austria. Now she is reporting from a clinic in Vienna.

How bad is Carmen Geiss (59) really? Judging by what we see, the reality star from the Rhineland has been hit hard. She had to cancel a planned shoot in Austria at short notice. Now she is in a clinic in Vienna and is getting in touch with her fans for the first time in days – understanding and grateful.

“… when I suddenly started feeling worse and worse.”

When she is not calling for her “Robäärt” (60) in a slightly annoyed manner, Carmen Geiss is usually in a good mood. This is why the photo she posted from her sickbed is all the more impressive. At first glance, Geiss appears exhausted and thoughtful. “My dears,” she begins her post, “I’m checking in with you from the hospital today.” A few days ago, she was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She was in Austria for filming, “when I suddenly started to feel worse and had to stop.” Fortunately, the inflammation was quickly identified. She is now being treated and cared for by the Brothers of Mercy in Vienna Hospital. The care is excellent. “I am very grateful for that!!,” says Geiss. She is currently feeling much better.

“Family and health are the most important things in the world”

The conclusions that Geiss draws from her illness sound very understandable: “This experience has shown me once again how important it is to look after your health and to get regular check-ups. Health is the most valuable thing we have and it should always come first.” Then she makes an appeal to her million-strong community of followers. “Take care of yourself and your loved ones – family and health are the most important things in the whole world” – with a heart. In addition to the Brothers of Mercy, “Robäärt” and her daughters are sure to take touching care of her. We can only hope that Mama Geiss will soon be as healthy and lively as her fans love her.

Source: Stern

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