The 8th edition of the Bahía Blanca Narrative Festival is presented

The 8th edition of the Bahía Blanca Narrative Festival is presented

From August 15 to 17, the eighth edition of the Bahia Blanca Narrative Festivalwith free and open activities.

Faced with the oppressive context of current national policies, but appealing to creativity as a practice for building, the Festival’s organization has decided to carry out the activities of this eighth edition on different dates of the annual calendar, and to take as an agenda for intervention some of the points that the neoliberal model seeks to dismantle.

According to the organizers, on this occasion they will receive the writer and journalist in the city of Buenos Aires Carlos Aletto Now the writer and literary critic Lucia De Leone, who will perform for three days at different locations in the city: the Department of Humanities (12 de Octubre and San Juan); the Auditorium of the National University of the South (Alem 1253, first floor); Salesian University (Gorriti 1249) and the Concepción Public Library of the U. de Pedernera (Rincón 555).

Guests will engage in dialogue with the FNBB organization team (Agustin Hernandorena, Camila Fotti, Nicolas Guglielmetti and Lucia Cancelarich) about Argentine literature and journalistic communication.

Bahía Blanca Narrative Festival Nicolas Guglielmetti

Lucia De Leone is a critic specializing in contemporary Argentine narrative and will discuss the latest remakes of Hernández’s poem, Martín Fierro. From a perspective that takes the present to look at the past, in a gesture of superimposed temporalities, the activity will take as a starting point the rewriting operations that it presents “The Adventures of China Iron”of Gabriela Cabezon Camera and other Argentine authors to review the relevance of the national poem today.

For its part, Carlos Aletto He is a prominent journalist for various national media outlets and a former employee of Telam, and with him, different aspects of the role of Argentine public media in the current situation will be addressed. “As is known, as of December 2023, these media outlets face a series of challenges that go beyond mere technological adaptation: the proposal of the current government, which is aligned with principles of liberalism and anarcho-liberalism, seeks to reduce the role of the State in numerous sectors, including the media. This policy has led to the closure of several public media outlets and the dismissal of numerous journalists, which has generated a significant void in the national information landscape,” they stressed in the official program.

Bahia Blanca Narrative Festival

On the other hand, Aletto will present the novel for the first time in the city “Eleven Seconds”published by Sudamericana in 2023, in which, with Maradona’s goal against the English as a backdrop, he tells the story of some kids who avoid poverty with no other weapons than writing, thanks to some books they find in a garbage dump. This text by Aletto has received the best feedback from both prominent journalists and Victor Hugo Morales to renowned peers who helped him in its construction, such as CLaudia Pineiro and Guillermo Saccomano; in addition to the same distinguished players from the Mexico 86 champion team.

Bahia Blanca Narrative Festival

Full schedule of the 8th edition of the Bahía Blanca Narrative Festival

Thursday 15/8 | 6 p.m. | Arturo Marasso Library, Department of Humanities, 12 de Octubre and San Juan. Free admission.

  • The role of cultural journalism today: challenges and reflections. Open talk by Carlos Aletto. Accompanied by Agustín Hernandorena.

Friday 16/8 | 4 pm | Auditorium, Alem 1253

Free admission. Certificates will be provided.

  • Latest fictional remakes of Martín Fierro. Discussion by Lucía de Leone. Coordinated by Lucía Cancellarich and Agustín Hernandorena.

Opening of the FNBB, eighth edition.

Friday 8/16 | 19 hours | UNISAL, Gorriti 1249 (Classroom 201)

Free admission. Certificates will be handed out. Snacks on the go.

  • Journalism, Culture and Society: The importance of public media in the digital age. Open talk by Carlos Aletto. Activity coordinated in conjunction with the Meriendas que nos encuentras (UNISALCOM) Outreach Project.

Saturday 17/8 | 5 pm | Bella Vista Public Library, Rincón 555

Free admission.

Book presentation and reading aloud: Eleven seconds of Carlos Aletto by Nicolas Guglielmetti and Lucía de Leone.

Source: Ambito

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