Cockroaches can be a real nuisance in a home. Learn how to get rid of them.
The cockroaches They are insects that can be very annoying and disgusting in a home. There are certain recommendations from experts who maintain that squashing them is not the best option to get rid of them, since it is a risk for those who are willing to do so.
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Luckily, there are certain tricks with household items that help get rid of cockroaches without having to see them.
How to scare away cockroaches
Prevention is always the best, so it is important to prioritize cleaning. There are also these tricks to help you fight them:
1. Coffee
Based on certain studies carried out in the United States, it has been discovered that the aroma of coffee is strong and unpleasant for many insects, including mosquitoes and ants. In addition, it contains substances that can be toxic to cockroaches.
A mixture of can be carried out coffee, water and sugarThe roaches will be attracted to the sugar and will enter the trap. The water will make it difficult for them to get out, and the coffee is toxic to them, so it will kill them if they ingest it while looking to eat the sugar.
These traps can be placed in different areas where their presence has been noticed.The next day it is important to get rid of them and prepare another trap.
2. Natural insecticide
- 500 ml of vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of oregano essential oil
- 1 liter of water
Mix all the ingredients together and pour them into a spray bottle. Spread the formula in those areas where they appear most in your can be in cracks, drains, doors or windows.
Source: Ambito
I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.