
Guido Maria Kretschmer: The designer welcomes his new dog

Guido Maria Kretschmer: The designer welcomes his new dog

In July, Guido Maria Kretschmer lost two beloved dogs. Now he is introducing his fans to a new female dog.

The German designer and television presenter Guido Maria Kretschmer (59) and his spouse Frank Mutters have welcomed a new dog into their family after two of their four-legged friends recently died. On Instagram, he shows his more than 880,000 followers and introduces them to his fans.

Pierrine is “new family member”

“Welcome little Pierrine – we love you so much already,” Kretschmer writes on several photos. According to a corresponding hashtag, Pierrine is a Borzoi dog, which he describes as a “new family member” with another hashtag. greets the dog Mila. “A little over a week ago we had a new addition to the family. It was love at first sight and the beautiful Mila has settled in well with us after just a few days,” the designer explained at the time, among other things.

Guido Maria Kretschmer mourns the loss of four female dogs

As great as the joy over Pierrine and Mila is, the couple has had difficult weeks. Within a few months, Kretschmer and Mutters had to say goodbye to three four-legged friends. “On Monday we had to let our beloved Idaya go at just 4 years old… It breaks our hearts and we are still stunned by this unexpected and tragic loss.”

Then, a few weeks ago, the next shocking news came: their dog Alaiyha had “died in our arms last night,” wrote Kretschmer. Just a few days later, the couple lost another female dog. “… our tears have not dried yet, and our beloved Undine has also gone.” Undine “missed her sister so much and then quietly slipped away…”

Just over a year earlier, the couple also had to say goodbye to their dog Aimée. In May 2023: “Beloved Aimée, we are infinitely grateful for the wonderful years with you and will remain connected to you forever in deep love.”

Source: Stern

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