Comeback at “The Lion’s Den”: This is how Judith Williams used her time off

Comeback at “The Lion’s Den”: This is how Judith Williams used her time off

Judith Williams is rejoining the “The Lion’s Den” pack for its tenth anniversary. She hasn’t been idle during her time off.

Judith Williams (52) is back on “The Lion’s Den” (from September 2nd on VOX and RTL+). After a two-season break, the entrepreneur is rejoining the startup show in the anniversary season. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the investor reveals how she used her break and names a potential guest lioness.

How does it feel to be back in the “Lion’s Den”, have you missed the founder show?

Judith Williams: It’s wonderful to be back in the “Lion’s Den”. The show is very close to my heart because it not only offers a platform for founders, but also shows the audience that there is always a way to make your dreams come true.

Have you watched the previous seasons on TV?

Williams: Of course, I always kept an eye on what happened in the past seasons. It was interesting to see how the show developed and how my colleagues mastered the new challenges.

Who are your biggest competitors in the current season?

Williams: I don’t see us as rivals, but as competitors. There are exciting moments in every season when the lions’ opinions differ, but that’s exactly what makes the dynamic so interesting.

Who else do you think has what it takes to be a potential lion?

Williams: There are many talented young entrepreneurs who have what it takes to be lions. Adorable Caro [Influencerin mit eigenem Modelabel, Anm. d. Red.] I met her on her podcast and immediately suggested that I come along as a guest lioness. Even though the young talents don’t have the experience yet, they bring new spirit and complement us fantastically.

With Werner Hansch, the new season once again features a prominent founder. Do well-known personalities have it easier as founders?

Williams: It has advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is certainly that they already have a certain level of awareness and reach. This can make it easier to start a business, but ultimately the quality of the product and the execution of the business idea determines success.

As a “original lioness” you have already concluded numerous deals. Which deals do you particularly remember?

Williams: There are many deals that have stuck in my mind. Some because they were particularly successful, others because they were particularly challenging. Each deal tells its own story, and I am proud of each one. BitterLiebe is one such deal that has stuck in my mind. The founders had potential from the start, and the idea of ​​using bitter substances to combat cravings for sweets and reduce sugar consumption convinced me immediately. I didn’t have to think long about it.

Another deal that particularly sticks in my mind is mellow Noir. This product, a coffee ingredient for younger-looking skin that reduces wrinkles and reduces swelling, was a real innovation on the German market. It is a niche product that was still largely unknown in Germany, and it is precisely these kinds of challenges that I find particularly exciting.

Do you want to do anything different as Löwin after your “DHDL” break?

Williams: Although I took a break in the last season, I was by no means inactive. I did not withdraw as an investor, but used the time to work intensively behind the scenes with startups and invest in promising companies. This phase gave me the opportunity to further refine my approach and understand the developments in the startup scene even better.

The world has changed a lot in the last two years, especially in the area of ​​online marketing. With the development of algorithms and the growing importance of social media, especially TikTok with its shop feature, we have seen a greater democratization of opportunities and reach. These developments have also influenced us as a company. While my values ​​have remained the same, we have evolved strategically. Today we focus even more on a strong multi-channel strategy, with particular attention to our online presence. Now I am looking forward to being back in the “Lion’s Den” to support new, innovative founders. My approach remains the same – I bring the same passion and expertise that have always distinguished me.

In addition to “DHDL”, you have already taken part in other shows such as “The Masked Singer” and “Let’s Dance”. If you could choose another show, which current TV production would you be interested in?

Williams: There are many interesting formats, but ultimately it has to be a good fit for me personally and give me the opportunity to learn something new or develop myself further. However, I have a great passion for cooking shows. I would love to be a star chef’s kitchen assistant, so that he could lead and guide me, so that I could learn. Because I don’t lead, I just carry out. I would find that extremely interesting. I would also find a really good people empowerment show exciting.

Source: Stern

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