Green Party leader Ricarda Lang becomes an internet hit: she takes aim at the CDU with a humorous social media post.
Clever, cleverer, Ricarda Lang: The Green Party leader attracted attention in the days following the state elections in Thuringia with a social media post. On election night, Lang published a photo on the X platform in which she can be seen with a cell phone in one hand and a beer bottle in the other. The comment she wrote: “When I see ‘Barbecuing must remain allowed’ posters.” With this exaggerated but subtle criticism of the CDU, the Green Party politician achieved a viral hit. Numerous users picked up the photo of the 30-year-old and created further memes, which the Green Party leader also shared on her social media accounts.
The photo of the former Green Youth spokesperson has been viewed over two million times and has so far garnered more than 26,000 likes and over 1,500 comments. The overall response is predominantly positive – one user commented, for example: “The first tweet from you that I like,” while the Thuringian CDU responded in a rather conciliatory manner with two heart and one laughing emoji.
Ricarda Lang: The Greens remain quick-witted
The CDU’s initially confusing campaign slogan strategy, which spoke of a ban on barbecues during the election campaign, had already caused some head-shaking. The Green Party’s top candidate, Madeleine Henfling, then expressed the suspicion that the CDU was trying to win over AfD voters with such polarizing topics.
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Source: Stern
I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.