World war, pandemic and destruction: the terrifying future that Bill Gates predicted for humanity

World war, pandemic and destruction: the terrifying future that Bill Gates predicted for humanity

September 15, 2024 – 10:00

The tycoon is known for correctly predicting many facts related to technology and the advancement of society.


Bill Gatesthe founder of Microsoftlaunched an alarming warning about the future that awaits humanity if we continue along the same path. This dark prediction comes in a context where technological advances and geopolitical conflicts appear to intensify international tensions.

According to the businessman and philanthropist, the world faces growing risks that could trigger a new world war, accompanied by devastating diseases and pandemicsand a scenario of global destruction. For Gates, humanity must take immediate action if it wants to avoid this grim fate.


The bleak future that Bill Gates expects

Gates, known for his previous warnings about pandemics, now points out that the risks go far beyond viruses. The combination of political instability, climate change and the global unpreparedness in the face of future threats could lead the world into a crisis of catastrophic proportions. He also asserts that as a society we have not learned enough after Covid-19.

He further stated that the future wars not only would they be waged with conventional weapons, but also with biological and cyber weapons. In their view, technology that once promised to improve our lives could be used for destructive purposes. If it falls into the wrong hands.

Source: Ambito

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