Casa Rosada seeks agreement with the governors on the budget and does not rule out dealing with it in extraordinary

Casa Rosada seeks agreement with the governors on the budget and does not rule out dealing with it in extraordinary

November 26, 2024 – 20:06

“It is quite likely that we will call extraordinary sessions” to address the issue, they point out in the presidential environment.

Mariano Fuchila

“Our intention is to have the budget for next year approved by Congress, but we are not willing to put the fiscal balance at risk”This was stated by a high source from the Casa Rosada to Scope at a time when the Executive Branch and the provincial governors are carrying out intense efforts on the expenditure and resources project for 2025.

“It is quite likely that we will call extraordinary sessions” to address the issue, they point out in the presidential environment. They add that “what is best for the governors is to agree, because if last year’s budget is extended we will have much greater discretion to allocate resources,” they point out in La Rosada media.

In an attempt to advance the approval of the budget, on Tuesday afternoon, a group of 10 “dialogue” leaders – the governors of the PRO and the Radical Civic Union – released a statement in which They defended the fiscal balance, but at the same time they asked Milei to make room for modifications and requests from the provinces.

After pointing out the need to correct inequities and ensure that current laws regarding federal resources are respected, these governors raise some particular issues such as adequate compensation for the Fiscal Consensus, the financing of non-transferred pension funds, and a better redistribution of funds.funds raised by the fuel tax. These demands represent 0.3% of GDP and they are “compensable”according to the numbers of the leaders. This proportion is equivalent to about 1.8 billion dollars.

In the National Executive Branch they point out that one of the points under discussion are pension funds, but they warn that a problem is that “the majority of audits have not been done and, therefore, The real number is not known.” of the necessary funds.

The central administration had already opened a bridge of understanding with the leaders of the interior on October 31 when it launched the al Regime for Extinction of Reciprocal Obligations. This is a program that seeks to reach an agreement with the 24 provinces that claim debts from the Nation and/or that also have liabilities with the central administration. Already It has the support of 10 provinces.

Although the National Government maintains its position of not giving in regarding the fiscal balance, the versions that circulated in the last few hours indicate the possibility that extraordinary sessions will be called to discuss the budget project in Congress.

Supreme Court

In this regard, there is speculation that this initiative may be part of other projects that are of interest to the National Government, such as the treatment of the tender documents. Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla to join the Supreme Court of Justice.

In this matter, the negotiations seem to be bogged down for the moment since Kirchnerism would be willing to give its approval only for Lijo’s specifications, while the Government insists that “both appointments have to be made” and do not rule out that, if If this is not achieved, they are designated by decree.

Source: Ambito

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