Video: fatal accident in Peru due to a giant rock that crushed and killed three people

Video: fatal accident in Peru due to a giant rock that crushed and killed three people

December 4, 2024 – 10:33

The incident occurred while the victims were traveling in a van.. The driver was the only survivor, rescued by the National Police and taken to the Matucana Hospital.

A tragic accident occurred in Peruwhen A giant rock fell from a hill and crushed a truck on the central route, near kilometer 98, in the Cacray sector, San Mateo district, Huarochirí.

Following the fact, Three people of Chinese nationality, who were in the country for business reasons, died in the incident.

For its part, The driver was the only survivor, rescued by the National Police and taken to the Matucana Hospital.

The event was caused by a rockfall, a common situation in that area, especially in the rainy season, which is considered one of the most dangerous routes in the country.

In the images of the accident, it is observed how the rock falls at high speed and destroys the truck, overturning it. The deceased was a Taiwanese businesswomanmanager of the company that owned the vehicle, and the other two dead were men.

The National Police investigates the incident, while local authorities and citizens ask for preventive measures on the route, such as containment barriers and greater monitoring of critical areas due to the insecurity of the road.

Source: Ambito

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