The president presented the main reforms to combat insecurity and organized crime. The projects include an anti-mafia law and the creation of an anti-drug unit.
During the speech for the first year of administration, the president Javier Mileiannounced this Tuesday that for the 2025 aims to promote five measures to reinforce the security in the country: reiteration, anti-mafia, low imputability, police reform and creation of anti-drug unit, among the main proposals.
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In the message broadcast on national television tonight, the head of state indicated that during the next year he will send the Congress a series of projects focused on one of the most relevant topics for public opinion, such as combat of the insecurity and organized crime.
The President anticipated five proposals. The law of Reiteration It will be focused on making “repeat prisoners pay more for making mistakes again.” It will also promote a Anti Mafia law “in the image and likeness of the RICO law, that eliminated organized crime in USA 50 years ago,” Milei said.
On the other hand, it will promote Juvenile Penal Regime with which they will seek to reduce the lowering of the age of imputability. The motto will be that “whoever is mature enough to be aware of his crime, is also mature enough to suffer the consequences.”
As for the Reform of the Federal Police, Milei He explained that his idea is “turn it into the federal criminal investigation agency, an Argentine FBI.” This will increase its “operational efficiency, its professionalization, its technology and its ability to combat crimes with both a national and international scope.”
Finally, he announced that he will propose the creation of a Unit Anti Narcoterrorism. “We are going to promote the creation of this unit to combat drug trafficking in the triple border. We will seek the cooperation of our neighbors who make up Mercosur”the President anticipated.
At 9 p.m., a recorded message was broadcast by national chain where the President of the Nation He made a report on his first year in office and highlighted the priorities that his administration has for 2025. Surrounded by the members of the Executive Branch Cabinetconfirmed that “we have made the largest structural reform in history“and anticipated that”the deep chainsaw is coming“.
Source: Ambito
I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.