The brilliant film starring Ben Stiller that everyone watches to make Christmas palpitate

The brilliant film starring Ben Stiller that everyone watches to make Christmas palpitate

December 13, 2024 – 22:00

An ideal film to enter the time of year-end festivities that was very well criticized by specialists.

The catalog of Disney+ It is one of the widest and most varied of all existing platforms. Since it merged with Star+ and the rest of its companies, the number of series and movies has grown, as has the diversity of their genres. One of his most chosen productions is Nutcracker, starring Ben Stiller.

It is a Christmas-style production, with a great cast, perfect to see at this time and have fun, be entertained and excited. Although Ben Stiller’s role stands out, the real protagonists that make the film so funny are the 4 children.


Disney+: what Nutcracker is about

Mike is the uncle of 4 children who live on a farm and after a tragic accident their parents were orphaned. The social services ask him to take care of them until a family that wants to adopt them is found and this situation will represent a challenge for him because he is not very used to life in the countryside.

After leaving her comfortable life in the city to settle on the farm in Ohio with her 4 nephewshe realizes that learning to live with them is a totally chaotic situation and full of responsibilities. But over time you will be able to adapt and form an important bond. His most important decision will come later: continue with his professional career, or abandon everything to take responsibility for his nephews.

Disney+: Nutcracker trailer

Embed – Nutcracker | Official trailer | Disney+

Disney+: Nutcracker cast

  • Ben Stiller (Mike Maxwell)
  • Linda Cardellini (Gretchen Rice)
  • Homer Janson (Justice Kicklighter)
  • Ulysses Janson (Junior Kicklighter)
  • Atlas Janson (Samuel Kicklighter)
  • Arlo Janson (Simon Kicklighter)
  • Toby Huss (Al Wilmington)
  • Edi Pattersona (Rose)
  • Tim Heidecker (Deputy Cox)
  • Maren Heisler (Mia)

Source: Ambito

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