WhatsApp: what it means to constantly upload statuses, according to science

WhatsApp: what it means to constantly upload statuses, according to science

December 17, 2024 – 1:00 p.m.

Psychology experts revealed the emotions behind this behavior.

WhatsAppone of the most used messaging applications in the world, was able to transform the way people share their daily lives. One of its most notable functions is the statuses that allow users to post photos, videos or texts that disappear within 24 hours.

Uploading several statuses on WhatsApp can have different psychological interpretations, depending on the context and user intent. For some, it is a way to express themselves, show achievements or share thoughts. For others, it is an escape route or a way of seek social validation through the reactions and comments they may generate. What do psychologists say behind this behavior?


WhatsApp no ​​longer allows you to capture screenshots of profile photos.

WhatsApp no ​​longer allows you to capture screenshots of profile photos.

How WhatsApp statuses influence people’s moods

Psychology experts consider that uploading states to WhatsApp can significantly influence people’s mood. Studies have shown that from the sender’s point of view, receiving positive interactions or reactions can elevate mood and promote self-esteem. However, when posts do not generate the expected response, feelings of frustration may ariseinsecurity or rejection.

To prevent the use of WhatsApp statuses from negatively impacting your mood, it is essential find a balance. Posting in moderation, prioritizing genuine and meaningful moments, can improve the app experience.

What does it mean to upload many statuses on WhatsApp

Psychologists claim that those who post numerous statements could be trying to fill emotional voids or communicate something that they do not dare to express directly. It can also be a way to combat the feeling of loneliness, creating a feeling of connection with others through digital space.

Although sharing statuses can strengthen ties and keep people connected, it can also poses risks of overexposure. Posting too much personal information can be counterproductive, since not all contacts have the same intention or level of closeness. Additionally, some users may feel overwhelmed by the excessive number of posts.

Source: Ambito

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