Dictatorship: Justice once again rejected a habeas corpus in favor of repressors

Dictatorship: Justice once again rejected a habeas corpus in favor of repressors

December 19, 2024 – 19:51

Ten organizations close to the military family are pushing for more than 80 people convicted of crimes against humanity to serve their sentences in house arrest.

The judge Martin Yadarola returned to decline this Wednesday a habeas corpus in favor of more than 80 imprisoned repressors in common prisons presented by ten organizations close to the military family. They ask that they serve their sentences in house arrest. It was the third time he was denied.

Last November, ten organizations headed by Justicia y Concordia, a group of lawyers who defend defendants in trials against humanity, They presented a habeas corpus in favor of detained repressors with the argument that their detention conditions had worsened.

Yadarolahead of the National Criminal and Correctional Court No. 4, rejected the habeas corpus on two occasions, arguing that he does not have material or territorial jurisdiction to hear the case. After each ruling, the Crime Chamber again asked him to do the procedure. Last Wednesday, Yadarola reiterated his denial.

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Courtesy ESMA Memorial Site Museum

Last week, a remote hearing with some of the repressors involved. According to journalist Luciana Bertoia, Esteban Adolfo Sanguinetti, Daniel Lucero and Juan Daniel Amelong, convicted of crimes against humanity, spoke from Unit 34 of Campo de Mayo.

The list of 80 repressors and the organizations that can protect them

The habeas corpus was presented by ten organizations, among which are the Association of Relatives and Friends of Political Prisoners of Argentina, which runs Cecilia Pando and the Association of Relatives and Friends of Victims of Terrorism in Argentina, whose vice president, Silvia Ibarzabalis an advisor at the Ministry of Defense.

The group of organizations, sponsored by lawyers Laura Olea and Ricardo Saint Jean, son of the auditor of the province of Buenos Aires during the last dictatorship, they insisted and they managed to make the room Habeas Corpus of the Crime Chamber overturned Yadarola’s ruling, arguing that he should have held a hearing before ruling. In the ruling they asked the petitioners to provide a list of the prisoners they seek to benefit with their action.

The organizations They presented a list with 80 names of repressorsbut the names were not revealed. Since last Monday, Judge Yadarola has been collecting information on the procedural situation of each person and then calling a hearing to discuss the issue in depth.

Source: Ambito

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