New crossing between Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta: this time through the Devoto prison

New crossing between Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta: this time through the Devoto prison

December 29, 2024 – 15:26

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich starred in a new confrontation on social networks over the construction of a prison complex, revealing the internal tensions of the PRO.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich crossed paths again on social network X, this time seeking to close the issue by asking her to hand over Devoto’s land. “Abandon your insult show,” Horacio said after Patricia Bullrich will accuse him of being corrupt and being linked to Kirchnerism.

“Beating Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in the 2023 PASO was not just a victory: it was a lethal blow to the old politics that ruined our country. It was a decisive step to make Argentina great again and one of my greatest contributions to the countryin addition to serving as Minister of Security and Deputy of the Nation in three terms,” ​​Bullrich began.

Then, he began to pass bills and accuse the former leader of the Buenos Aires government: “As head of Government, he took a thriving and orderly City, a model to follow, and took it to its worst version. He imposed a feast of corruption, nepotism and arrangements with the same people as always. As a candidate, he tried to bring Together for Change closer to massism, but I stopped him,” he wrote.

And he continued: “Don’t get your hopes up, Larreta. We already know you, and your friends from Kirchnerism and massism Let them know well: you are not going to have influence over the future of the country. The country of your friends is over. I want to make something very clear: for me, family is very important in my life. Family, Homeland, freedom and commitment are the values ​​that made Argentina great. I would never abandon my family or break my word, because those values ​​are the pillars on which a strong and free Nation is built,” Bullrich considered.

And he closed: “The family is the core of our society, the place where we learn what respect, freedom, effort and responsibility are. This is something you never understood.”

Given this message, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta responded: “Patricia, you know very well that the nation never handed over Devoto’s land to the city to finance the work. You can look at the land registry and verify it. You have already lost a year. Now finish the jail and abandon the insult show. Not for me Don’t worry, I will continue working for the development of Argentines. Hugs, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta.”


What was the reason for the crossing between Patricia Bullrich and Horacio R. Larreta?

Bullrich pointed out that Larreta signed an agreement in 2018 to build a prison complex with capacity for 2,240 people and received 60 million pesos from the Nation. In addition, he highlighted that the GCBA had secured funds from the sale of the Devoto prison to complete the work. However, work stopped at the beginning of the pandemic and the prison was never completed. Horacio R. Larreta’s accusation is that the national government, with the ministry under its charge, did not hand over the property to do so.

Source: Ambito

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