He was the Chief of Staff himself, Guillermo Francoswho reinstated the issue of eliminating the Mandatory Simultaneous Open Primaries (PASO) on the agenda. “They are an expense for the State and a nuisance for the people,” the official said before Christmas, arguing that “The 2025 electoral process to elect national deputies and senators will have an estimated cost of more than 500 million dollars.” In this framework, the Government announced that the elimination of said electoral body would allow savings between 35% and 40%, that is, a saving of more than 150 million dollars.
In line with this, In recent days, the possibility of calling extraordinary sessions in February was raised. It is worth remembering that there was a failed Government announcement, according to which they were going to be held in December. However, at Casa Rosada they admitted to this medium that there were no conversations to achieve the necessary consensus, and in the end the call never materialized.
Now, with the ruling party’s objective of trying to eliminate the PASO, the possibility of holding a session in the summer sounds like a more concrete option. However, since this was the intention of the libertarian administration from the beginning, It is fair to ask what has changed since then.
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The 2025 electoral process to elect national deputies and senators will have an estimated cost of more than 500 million dollars, between PASO and general elections.
If we eliminated the PASO, we would save between 35% and 40% of that sum. That is, we are talking about savings…
— Guillermo Francos (@GAFrancosOk) December 23, 2024
Government, optimistic about the possibility of eliminating PASO
To begin with, the Government received the approval of the PRO to advance with the legislative reform. He was the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macriwho after announcing the split in his districts revealed that he spoke with Francos and expressed his support.
“Today we decided to split the City’s legislative elections and together we are going to send a project and call the Legislature to extraordinary sessions to discuss the suspension of the PASO,” the head of Government said. And he highlighted the dialogue with all political spaces and the coincidences to annul the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory elections (PASO). This means a saving for the City of 20 billion pesos, specified Jorge Macri, who in a libertarian way added: “We want that money not to come out of the pockets of the people of Buenos Aires and we can use it on other priorities. “That they can elect their legislators without having to pay the cost of a mechanism that politics must be able to resolve internally, building their own consensus and internal agreements.”
Jorge Macri, in favor of the elimination of PASO.
TV capture
For this reason, he said he had asked the national government that also suspend the PASO throughout the country. “With the head of the national Cabinet, Guillermo Francos, we agree on the savings of 200,000 billion pesos that would mean eliminating them. We Argentines cannot afford to spend that money when there are other more relevant priorities,” he asserted.
On the leading block Cristian Ritondo Deputies point out that there could be support from several legislators, although they emphasize that there was no dialogue with the ruling party on this issue.
Furthermore, the ruling party believes that Peronism will support the initiative. According to the poroteo carried out, in Balcarce 50 they assume that Peronism will vote in favor. “It is in Cristina’s best interest to close her own lists”considered this medium a government source. What they do not admit in the ruling party is that it is also convenient for the president of La Libertad Avanza, Karina Milei, to form a list with her own.
The Government is rushing negotiations to convene extraordinary negotiations: “We are working to achieve consensus”
After the meeting of Javier Milei with radicals dialogueists, the Government is speeding up the negotiations to achieve consensus with the objective of convening extraordinary sessions during the summer. The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, reaffirmed the intention of Executive to summon the Congress to discuss a series of key projects for the libertarian administration.
“We are working to achieve consensus”he said on Sunday regarding the discussions with the blocs dialogic opponents to agree on a date and the initiatives to discuss in Deputies and in the Senate.
“I believe that we are currently trying to resolve it,” said Francos. in statements to Radio Rivadavia over the weekend, regarding the specific possibility of gathering votes so that extraordinary elections can be called and, eventually, approve the projects.
Source: Ambito
I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.