For a dream mane
These tips support hair growth
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Want long, healthy hair? The right methods can optimally support hair growth – this is how it works with a long mane.
Many people dream of long, healthy hair: But can hair growth really be actively accelerated? The truth is: Hair growth is influenced by many factors – including genetics that cannot be changed. However, there are some proven methods that can promote hair growth and create optimal conditions for a healthy mane. Hair typically grows around 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters per day – with these tips you can get the most out of your hair.
Avoid hair breakage
Annoying hair breakage is one of the biggest enemies on the way to long hair. Wet hair is particularly sensitive and prone to damage. Blow-drying that is too hot or the constant use of styling tools such as straighteners and curling irons can damage the hair structure and lead to hair breakage. It is therefore best to always blow-dry your hair when it is towel-dried using low heat and keep a distance of at least 30 centimeters.
Avoid damage caused by hair coloring
Chemical hair coloring can attack the natural cuticle layer of the hair and promote hair breakage or split ends. If you have a sensitive scalp, you also run the risk of your scalp drying out, which has a negative impact on hair growth.
Growing hair: the right hair care
Targeted hair care is essential so that the hair stays healthy and can grow in its natural rhythm. It is therefore best to use a mild shampoo with moisturizing and soothing ingredients for cleaning. This ensures a balanced scalp and strengthens the hair roots.
Gentle head massages can also be beneficial for growth: If you gently massage the scalp while washing your hair, you stimulate blood circulation and thus support the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles. For extra care, you can occasionally treat your hair to a rich hair treatment or a nourishing serum. These products moisturize and ensure shiny, healthy hair.
The right nutrition for hair growth
True beauty comes from within – this also applies to hair. A balanced diet plays a crucial role in healthy hair growth. A lack of important nutrients can cause hair to become dull and brittle. Biotin, also known as the “beauty vitamin,” is particularly important for hair growth. Iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium are also essential.
Long, healthy hair is not a coincidence, but the result of a healthy lifestyle. There are also various foods that are beneficial for healthy hair. These include spinach and other leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, avocados, nuts and seeds, oatmeal and lentils.
These foods provide the nutrients hair needs to grow strong and healthy. If you feel that diet alone is not enough, you can use nutritional supplements to help – but it is best to take them after consulting a doctor or nutritionist.
Source: Stern
I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.