Fire in Bariloche: flames intensify in Nahuel Huapi Park and alert for strong winds

Fire in Bariloche: flames intensify in Nahuel Huapi Park and alert for strong winds

In addition, they added that as a result of the fire there are large convective columns of smoke in the area of Colorado Hill, and on the other hand in a sector of Bastion Hill in green areas not burned in the previous fire. The smoke is directed towards the Lake Steffen and The Meek, and can be visible from several distant points.

On the other hand, they reported that income from The Rapids to the Los Alerces Waterfall Circuit will remain restricted until further notice. They will only allow the circulation of authorized vehicles of official institutions and locals. On the contrary, the circuit Cerro Tronador remains enabled.

Finally, they assure that the weather conditions made the deployment of aerial means difficult, which is why the brigade members were withdrawn to safe areas.

According to the COE, The fire perimeter will be updated once operations can resume. Meanwhile, light rainfall was recorded in the area, which could help mitigate the advance of the fire.


Fires in Nahuel Huapi Park.

Fire in Bariloche: the fire has already burned more than 3,500 hectares of the Nahuel Huapi National Park

More than two weeks after the fire began, the situation in the national park located in Bariloche is complex. There are already more than 3,500 hectares affected by the flames. Brigades fight the fire in the middle of high temperatures and strong winds that help spread the flames to new places.

The places most affected at the moment are Cerro Colorado, Laguna Quetro, Los Manzanos and Cerro bastion. This caused the authorities to decide to close – for this weekend – the Cascada los Alerces circuit and only official vehicles and residents of the area will be allowed access. For its part, the circuit towards Cerro Tronador remains enabled without restrictions.

Fire, wind and flames are not the only opponents of control tasks. During the morning, The smoke generated by the fire dispersed towards the nearby valleys, which made the operation carried out from aerial means in the affected area difficult.

Among the preventive and operational tasks carried out by the brigades and authorities of the Nahuel Huapi National Park are the constant updating of the affected area and the coordination between various official institutions. Between Saturday and Sunday, the situation will be evaluated to determine the measures that will be implemented on Monday and in the following days, in the middle of the summer season and with the arrival of hundreds of tourists.

Fire in Bariloche: they point to an electrical storm due to the origin of the outbreaks

It is believed that the fire occurred due to recent storms that affected the area. In this sense, the National Park Administration detailed: “Taking into account that A considerable amount of lightning strikes were recorded as a result of the electrical storm on December 16it is most likely that these spotlights are a product of it.”

The situation led to the formation of a National Park Emergency Committeewhich works together with the Directorate of Fighting Forest Fires and Emergencies, Civil Protection of Barilocheand the teams of the SPLIF (Forest Fire Prevention and Fighting Service) Bariloche and The Baggins.

Source: Ambito

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