Javier Milei finalizes details to present his own Clean Record project in extraordinary

Javier Milei finalizes details to present his own Clean Record project in extraordinary

The defeat of the project proposed by the yellow deputy Silvia Lospenatto in Deputies it generated criticism from Mauricio Macri’s party. With harsh accusations, the PRO He called the ruling party “being on the other side” and “playing in favor of the corrupt”, in reference to former president Cristina Kirchner. Libertarians, for their part, They denied a pact with Kirchnerism and they were quick to announce that they were going to push their own initiative.

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, had clarified the position of the space, after libertarian deputies decided not to accompany the PRO text with their vote. “We agree with the Clean File and what it means, what we do not agree with is that it can be taken as a kind of proscription, which is the risk we have,” he argued in an interview with the Todo Noticias channel.

The Government pushes its own Clean File project

After the dispute with Macri’s party, the head of state, through spokesperson Manuel Adorni, announced that he was going to take charge of writing a new text, with the aim of having it discussed and approved by Congress. . “Indeed, Deputy Lospennato wrote to Milei referring to how sad he felt that the project had not moved forward and “The President committed to promoting a new Clean File project,” the spokesperson had said.

The person who was in charge of the first stage of drafting the project was the lawyer Alejandro Fargosi, who served as an advisor to the Counselor of the Nation’s Judiciary between 2010 and 2014 and is currently referred to with the components that used to make up Together for Change. During the last weeks, Fargosi ​​was in charge of advising the President to finish polishing the text.

Now, the final phase will pass into the hands of the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, to finish bringing together the proposals and considerations that will be discussed in Congress. And this Monday, the official visited President Milei to advance the last stage. “In Olive trees with the President of the Nation @JMilei, finalizing details for the presentation of #fichalimpia in Congress!”, he published on his “X” account.

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The meeting between Milei and Petri comes hours after the president published in the Official Gazette the call for the extraordinary sessions that will be held in Congress between January 20 and February 21. There, six projects and the Senate documents will be discussed. One of the points included in the agenda will be precisely Clean Sheet.

In view of the extraordinary sessions, The Executive must join forces to approve the project in both chambers. To do this you will need to turn to allies such as PRO and the group of radicals expatriates, as well as deputies and senators linked to provincialisms. At the moment, support on campus is not guaranteed.

The version proposed by the PRO sought to prevent the leaders convicted in second instance be able to be candidates in the national elections, a regulation that mainly targeted former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Currently, applications for elective office can only be prevented when there is a final ruling from the Supreme Court of Justice.

In addition, it covered the criminal offenses of bribery and influence peddling, embezzlement of public funds, negotiations incompatible with the exercise of public functions, illegal exactions, illicit enrichment of officials and employees, concealment and fraud to the detriment of the public administration.

The project was included in the agenda to be discussed in Deputies, but due to the absence of legislators from the ruling party who were presumed allies of the yellows on the issue, the necessary quorum was not achieved: in the day’s session, in which They discussed other topics, the block of Freedom Advances He went from having 2 to 10 fouls. The lack of support was also due tol total emptying of Federal Innovation, Independence (Peronist Tucumans allied with Casa Rosada), Union for the Homeland and the Left Front.

Source: Ambito

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