The president of the Chamber of Deputies led a press conference within the framework of a series of activities in Mar del Plata to strengthen La Libertad Avanza in the interior.
The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menembegan the electoral year by leading a series of activities in Mar del Plata to empower Freedom Advances next to the general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei. He announced that “surely” there will be a coalition with the PRO and spoke of a possible candidacy of the President’s sister.
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“Surely we will converge jointly with the PRO“, the deputy bet. Hours before, through a statement, the party led by Mauricio Macri also left the doors open to a possible union. “End so many years of populism and demagoguery demands our joint best effortan effort that we owe to the electorate that entrusted us with defending the flags of change, freedom and respect for institutions,” they noted there.

On the other hand, in a press conference he expressed that He would “like” Karina Milei to be a candidate. “In my personal opinion meets all the conditionshas been able to generate that Javier (Milei) I became president without having a party; “His capacity as a leader is evident and he is one of the most important people in the Government,” he highlighted and made it clear that his candidacy “It depends on her will.”
The head of the Chamber of Deputies was accompanied at the press conference by the head of the party in the province of Buenos Aires, Sebastian Parejaand the local reference Alejandro Carrancioat the Hotel Nuevo Ostende, at Hipólito Yrigoyen 1737.
Karina Milei continues working to consolidate La Libertad Avanza throughout the country
For her part, Karina Milei met with youth leaders and local activists to “exchange ideas and strategies that promote the principles of freedom and prosperity in the province”they indicated from LLA in a statement.
The visit to Mar del Plata is part of a series of tours that the national authorities of LLA made through provinces such as Misiones, Salta, Neuquén, Córdoba, Chaco and Corrientes, with the purpose of “consolidate the party structure throughout Argentine territory.”
In each destination, the sister of President Javier Milei and the head of the Lower House highlighted the importance of “fight caste” and promote the “cultural battle” that allows “freedom to be definitively established in the country”.
Source: Ambito

I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.