The fight between Indio Solari and Skay Beilinson that ended with Los Redondos: what was the reason

The fight between Indio Solari and Skay Beilinson that ended with Los Redondos: what was the reason

On Skay’s 72nd birthday, we remember one of the saddest moments in Argentine rock.

In 1976 One of the most important national rock bands was born in La Plata. Patricio Rey and his Ricotta Rounds He started playing in 1977, and in 1985 premiered with Gulp!his first album. Personality and mysticism surrounded a group that was differentiated by the incredible guitar phrases that Skay Beilinson spit out and the complex lyrics of Indio Solari..

After decades of career, the band was going through wear and tear. It was after publishing Momo Sampler (2000) that Los Redondos ended forever, with one last concert on August 4, 2001, in it Mario Alberto Kempes Stadium in Córdoba. But what was the reason for their separation?

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An imperfect recording and a clash of ideas

Solari and Beilinson became the two figures of that stellar La Plata team. However, Their talent was as big as their egos.and the turning point came during a trip to New York. Back in 2000, the group was recording Momo Sampler, their last album, due to which tension grew between its members.

On the one hand, Indio was obsessed with achieving a perfect sound, while Skay wanted to return to Argentina as soon as possible.. The stay at the Delmónico hotel was mixed with walks, shopping and recitals, waiting for the production of the album to conclude. But the delays caused stress for Beilinson, who asked Mario Breuer and Eduardo Herrera, responsible for the mix, for explanations.

This is how they arrived the discussions between the voice and the guitar of Los Redondos, shouting and with many differences. When Skay proposed to talk about it alone in Buenos Aires, the Indian responded forcefully: “I don’t even have a coffee with you”. A definitive breakup that led to the dissolution of the band, which only gave three shows after the incident.

Years later, Skay rekindled the flame in an interview: “It all ended when we realized that one of us wanted to take over that beautiful project that was Patricio Reywhich had been born as the communion and contribution of many artists and not the desires of just one.” In response, El Indio accused him of keeping some unreleased recordings of the group.

Source: Ambito

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