Extraordinary: Government finalizes details for the Clean Record project and defines the candidacies of convicted leaders

Extraordinary: Government finalizes details for the Clean Record project and defines the candidacies of convicted leaders

The officialization of the call to extraordinary sessions in the National Congresswhich will begin on January 20 and end on February 21, came with many peculiarities: the Chamber of Deputies will continue in renovations At least one more week, the ruling party intensifies the tension with its main ally, legislators from all blocks continue vacation and the details of two of the seven agenda items are unknown. Among them, the most relevant is that of Clean Sheet.

The importance of this project has two explanations. The first is the resentment that arouses among Freedom Advances and the PRO. The second is that it can define who applies in the elections 2025. In this framework, since Pink House They let it be known that the wording of the libertarian Clean Record proposal would appear in the next few hours and agreed with her allies to prevent candidates with a second-instance sentence from running, which would leave the current president of the Justicialist Party, Cristina Kirchner.

However, this version was not confirmed Scope by no official source. From the environment of Luis PetriMinister of Defense who was in charge of the project, assured this medium that No project will be presented until next week. and that work continues on it.

From the PROthe special interested in knowing the proposal to see what differences it has with the proposal that they defended until November of last year, they also do not have the final text and have no news of progress. Even the lawyer Alejandro Fargosithe specialist appointed to advise on its writing, criticized “the mountain of lies” that exists on the initiative.

The truth is that La Libertad Avanza announced the drafting of the Clean Record project As soon as he allowed ten of his deputies to break the quorum of the session that was going to vote on it, in the last week of November, the document is still not ready. The peculiarity is that the last proposal that arrived at the venue, two months ago, had only one article that sought to modify the Law 23,298 of Political Parties. The reason for the delay would not lie, then, in the length of the parliamentary text.

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Guillermo Francos guaranteed dialogue tables with the PRO throughout 2024.

Block heads meeting

The Government moved forward this week to finalize a meeting at Casa Rosada between the chief of staff, Guillermo Francos (the official who pushed the most for the extraordinary ones to be carried out), with the representatives of the three blocks with which he has held agreements: Cristian Ritondo, from the PRO; Rodrigo de Loredo, from the UCR; and Miguel Pichetto, from Encuentro Federal. The latter, the furthest from the ruling party of the three summoned, insisted with a request that his bench has been reiterating: that the parliamentary dialogue tables be in Congress and not in Balcarce 50. His claim was so vehement that he made his participation subject to the change of venue.

The block of Federal Meeting He is one of those that the Government needs to seduce in this instance. With the threat from Peronists, Lilitos and dissident radicals of not guaranteeing a quorumthe absence of the federals could hinder any initiative of the ruling party. That’s why this Thursday Martín Menem held a meeting with Pichetto himself, along with Emilio Monzó and Oscar Agost Carreñoto bring agendas together. The deputies have to wait to give definitions to a meeting of their bench, which will be next week. The president of the lower house promised to raise the request of the head of the space to Francos.

From the PRO They limited themselves to pointing out that they will go “to listen to what the Government’s intention is and its roadmap”but they assured that they will be “attentive to your needs.” Freedom Advances It needs your support in case its interest in approving the agenda of the extraordinary sessions is genuine: they opened so many fronts, where the positions of the blocks are not homogeneous (appointment of judges, elimination of PASO, a new draft of the Clean File) that the meeting comes at an opportune time to define priorities.

Extraordinary sessions 2025: the topics that would be discussed in Congress

  • Compensation Law and index of Losses Update (Deputies).
  • Regime Trial in Absentee (Deputies).
  • Regime reiteration and unification of sentences (Deputies).
  • Reform Law for the Electoral Strengthening (Deputies).
  • Clean Sheet (Deputies).
  • Anti-mafia Law (Senate).
  • Documents by Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla for the Supreme Court of Justice (Senate).

Source: Ambito

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