According to studies, the bathroom and the kitchen are the two rooms in the house that accumulate the most dirt and bacteria throughout the day.
Maintain a clean house and spotless is a very difficult and exhausting task if done alone, especially if there are many rooms or if there are several members in the house. Furthermore, when the correct techniques that soften the dirt and increase the efficiency of the work, this task can take much longer.
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Estela Morenoinfluencer known on the networks as @soyestelamorenois mainly dedicated to sharing advice on decoration, household chores and cleaning who help all their followers take care of their homes. In a recent post, she shared one of her infallible tips to leave a crucial part of the bathroom sparkling: the tiles.

bathroom tile cleaning.jpeg

How to clean bathroom tiles
Mix water with a “generous” splash of ammonia and detergent.
Dip a fiber cloth into the mixture and, when it has absorbed the liquid, use a cloth to clean each tile.
Make vertical movements from top to bottom.
In less than five minutes you have the bathroom or kitchen tiles ready.
You can also use this same trick to clean the tiles inside the shower. Furthermore, Moreno remembers that this is a useful method for frequent cleaning maintenance “and not for cleaning when they are already black.”
Source: Ambito

I am an author and journalist who has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I currently work as a news editor at a major news website, and my focus is on covering the latest trends in entertainment. I also write occasional pieces for other outlets, and have authored two books about the entertainment industry.