Tutoring on Pornhub: Onlyfans model teaches math on erotic site

Tutoring on Pornhub: Onlyfans model teaches math on erotic site

Math eroticism
Engineer gives tutoring on Pornhub – because YouTube pays less

Onlyfans model Zara Dar forgoes a doctorate and publishes educational videos on Pornhub. She struggles with her career, but she is still successful.

“What is a neural network?”, “Where does Pi come from?” or “Integrals that look hard but are actually easy” – those who want to see such videos usually don’t look for them on erotic platforms like Pornhub. Even on YouTube, such content is rarely found in the charts. For engineer Zara Dar, this is part of a very interesting career. Because she teaches exactly the scientific content on Pornhub – framed by the usual things that visitors actually find there.

This has two advantages: Firstly, the engineer can use the videos to draw attention to her Onlyfans page and generate regular income for herself there. With today’s mass of models on the mostly paid site, it takes a special idea to be found there. The image of the ex-doctoral student with a penchant for formulas seems to work for Zara Dar.

Pornhub pays better than YouTube

Secondly, the model’s publications on Pornhub have a very banal reason: the erotic site pays more for it. In one, she explains: “People may not know this, but I post the same videos on both YouTube and Pornhub. While YouTube generally generates more views, advertising revenue per million views on Pornhub is almost three times as high. “

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The videos, even if they do not correspond to the nature of the other content on the erotic site, definitely find a larger audience. A video in which Zara explains Dar Integrale has a total of more than half a million views. Your explanation of what a neural network is is seen by more than 50,000 people.

A long-running hit is also her justification for why she is no longer working on her doctoral thesis and will instead rely on Onlyfans – also on . There she explains that she cried a lot about this decision, but came to the conclusion that a traditional career path didn’t suit her. “People whose lifestyles I thought I envied are tied to the vision of others,” she explains. She also criticizes the career hamster wheel.

Millions in income via Onlyfans

However, her previous successes on Onlyfans and the other platforms will probably have had the most influence on her decision. Although she can plan her day herself and no one puts pressure on her, the finances are good. She says she has already earned “more than a million US dollars” from her Onlyfans appearance. With this she paid her family’s mortgage, bought a car and was not dependent on a student loan. Today she has a stock portfolio and is planning to build her own house.

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However, Zara Dar says she does not want to give up her academic work – she talks about continuing to work on the topics that interest her most, free from academic constraints, and continuing to plan publications. Given their income, a career at a university wouldn’t be interesting anyway. A professor in the United States earns an average of $100,000 a year, she explains. She is already earning more – without the constraints that scientists are usually subject to.

Zara Dar is far from alone with her strategy of using Pornhub to publish completely harmless videos. There are also people on the platform who, for example, play video games or keep video diaries – free of any eroticism.


Source: Stern

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