She won thousands of dollars in the casino and an employee’s mistake left her without her fortune: the company wanted to persuade her with only $200

She won thousands of dollars in the casino and an employee’s mistake left her without her fortune: the company wanted to persuade her with only 0

From the beginning, the casino tried to keep the matter private and prevent Maryland authorities from getting involved.

The dream of many is to win the lotteryadd a lot of chips at the casino or choose the correct number from a draw to solve your life financially and not have to stress about your home finances, at least for a long time. However, to even fantasize about this, you always have to have a quota of luck.

However, this is the one who abandoned a woman in Oxon HillMaryland, when he lost a huge prize he had won at the casino to a rude mistake of one of the employees. The casino tried to persuade her, but she continued to insist even though getting her money became a challenge. way uphill.

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The story of Cynthin Obiem, the woman who won thousands of dollars and could not collect it

Cynthia Obie I was playing with a friend on the night of Friday, January 4, 2019 at the hotel MGM National Harbora resort-casino. They were both betting money on a slot machine when suddenly they noticed that all the symbols had lined up, indicating that they had won the maximum prize. Moved, He immediately went to collect it from the staff.not knowing that he would make a terrible mistake.

In order to give her the sum of money she had won, which Cynthia preferred not to clarify, a casino employee asked her for her identification and social service number. These digits, in the United States, fulfill a similar function to the Argentine DNI. When he wrote down the woman’s information, the job got confused in the last numberregistering a completely different person.

That mistake was very expensive, since the person who appeared by mistake in the database owed the state of Maryland a large amount of money for child support. And consequently, Obie’s money was confiscated immediately. When they realized their mistake, it was too late. MGM explained to the woman that the problem was out of their hands and was now a matter for them. Maryland state law.

What finally happened to Cynthia Obie’s award: did they give it to her?

Although the casino tried to persuade her $200 in game credits and a couple of coupons that she could exchange for a couple of drinks, the woman did not give up and continued demanding her just reward. The same night of the event, the establishment gave him a letter with everything he had to do and how to contact the Maryland Human Services Agency.

After a difficult week, where both the casino and Cynthia made public statements, Maryland authorities acknowledged the mistake and they awarded him his full prize. Even the MGM Vice President of Operations at the door of his house, who finally gave him his money.

Source: Ambito

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