Judi Dench: She can’t go out alone anymore

Judi Dench: She can’t go out alone anymore

Judi Dench
She can’t go out alone anymore

Judi Dench has spoken about her progressive poor eyesight. The 90-year-old now always needs company.

The British actress Judi Dench (90) spoke about her increasing health restrictions in a moving interview. As the Oscar winner revealed in an interview with entrepreneur Trinny Woodall (60), she is no longer able to attend events alone due to her rapidly declining eyesight.

“I’m not good at it anyway,” Dench admitted of solo red carpet appearances. “And now I couldn’t do it anymore. Luckily I don’t have to.” With a pinch of gallows humor, she added: “I practically have no eyesight anymore. That’s why someone will always be with me now. That has to be the case, because otherwise I’ll run into things or fall.”

Years of fighting the disease

The “James Bond” actress had already made it public in 2012 that she was suffering from macular degeneration. The disease causes relatively rapid and permanent loss of central vision and is the most common cause of age-related vision loss in people over 50 years of age.

“This condition is something that thousands of people around the world have to deal with,” Dench explained at the time. “I learned to deal with it and adapt.” The actress also emphasized that the disease does not lead to complete blindness.

Impact on acting career

Her work as an actress in particular is becoming increasingly difficult due to her illness. “It’s become impossible because I have a photographic memory,” Dench explained on The Graham Norton Show. She now needs a machine that not only teaches her the lines, but also shows where they are on the page.

Nevertheless, the acting star doesn’t want to let himself get down: “You find a way to deal with difficult things,” says Dench. “I had to find a different way to learn lyrics – for example, by having good friends recite them to me over and over again.” At a theater performance of “The Winter’s Tale”, her co-star Kenneth Branagh (64) even had to gently correct her when she accidentally spoke in the wrong direction. “I rely on the people around me to tell me things like that,” the actress explained with admirable candor.


Source: Stern

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