Electoral Super Sunday in May: three provinces split and will go to the polls on the same day

Electoral Super Sunday in May: three provinces split and will go to the polls on the same day

Salta postponed the local elections for a week and will go to the polls on May 11, the same day as San Luis and Chaco. The Salta decision was confirmed by the Minister of Government, Ricardo Villada.

The governor of Salta, Gustavo Saenzwas the first to split the elections in his province, taking off the renewal of half of the local legislative positions from the national elections in October, in which seats of deputies and senators will also be renewed. In October of last year, the provincial head signed a decree so that the provincial votes would be held on May 4, but In the last hours a week was run, for Sunday the 11th. That day they will also go to the polls in San Luis and Chaco, also for local positions.

He was the Minister of Government, Human Rights and Labor himself, Ricardo Villadawhich at the beginning of the week had anticipated that the Government House was analyzing postponing the date of the elections, due to the decision of the National Executive Branch to declare Friday the 2nd a “non-working day”, for tourist purposes, for Labor Day, May 1. Initially, the official had indicated that the elections would be held on the 11th or 18th of that same month.

The doubt of the Salta government was due to a request from different sectors of tourism activity, which is going through a slow season, who requested not to affect those holidays, days in which there is usually a significant movement of tourists. The restrictions that apply for the elections, such as the prohibition of circulation the night before, would affect the arrival of visitors, it was warned. On the side of the Executive Branch, it was also indicated that the lack of work activity on Thursday the 1st and Friday the 2nd would affect the preparation of schools for the electoral event.

The confirmation

This Wednesday, it was Villada himself who, in contact with several Salta media, confirmed that the official decision was to hold the elections for Sunday the 11th. “The change of date seeks to avoid inconveniences for voters and guarantee adequate organization of the electoral process” , he pointed out. “We care a lot and we are very aware of the opinion of the Electoral Court and the political forces in general,” he assured. Therefore, in the next few hours the details of the change will be published in the Official Gazette, where it will be stated whether this extension also affects the deadlines that the political parties that will present candidates must take into account.

What is voted

In this mid-term election, on May 11, the people of Salta will elect 12 provincial senators, 30 provincial deputies, 25 municipalities will elect councilors for the next four years (except in 35 communes, whose deliberative councils have less than seven members) and also in In 19 municipalities there will be elections for conventional constituents who must draft or reform their organic charters.

In October of last year in Salta, the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO) were eliminated, with the agreement of the majority of the forces that are represented in the chambers of deputies and senators. And it was also ratified in the same month that the votes will be carried out with the current Single Electronic Ballot system.


Until now, Along with Salta, the provinces of Chaco, San Luis, Santa Fe and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires have split their local elections. Corrientes and Santiago del Estero will also do so separately, the only districts where there will be elections for governor, which were against the grain of the national calendar due to having had federal interventions. On May 11, voting will take place in Salta, San Luis and Chaco, after the change announced by the Salta official.

Source: Ambito

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