The Ministry of Health will intervene in the Laura Bonaparte Mental Health Hospital

The Ministry of Health will intervene in the Laura Bonaparte Mental Health Hospital

From the beginning of 2025, the Ministry of Health carried out a profound restructuring of all its institutions and human resources under its orbit. Among its decisions is the disengagement of 1,400 workers and the closure of 15 organizations. The last announcement made by the portfolio led by Mario Lugones was the intervention of the national reference mental health center, the Laura Bonaparte Hospital.

The organization’s statement made official “the intervention of the Bonaparte Hospital to ensure the normal functioning and continuity of services and patient treatment”. “The measure is part of the restructuring plan that advanced with the readjustment of the Hospital’s staff without modifying the functions carried out in the institution and always with the objective of ensuring patient care,” he continues.

In this framework, he states that “theThe contracts that were not renewed respond to the overstaffing that existed at the Bonaparte: 326 of its employees joined during the government of Alberto Fernández; for on-call and inpatient services there were 109 employees with 55 inpatient beds and only 19 occupied on average per month; “There are 38 outpatient clinics that attended an average of 5 consultations a day.”

“Both the excessive growth of staff and the management of funds have affected the capacity of care and the proper functioning of the Hospital”analyzed and ratified that the measure “seeks to provide the transparency and efficiency necessary to guarantee the proper functioning of the hospital.”

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Its general guideline is expressed in the statement: “Taking care of the health of Argentines also requires efficient use of our resources.”. Finally, they point to health workers: “The responsibility of the union leadership “so as not to affect the normal development of patient care”.

“Emptying is closing”: the complaint of workers at the Bonaparte Hospital

Last Wednesday, January 15, a commission of workers of the Laura Bonaparte Hospital made it official that they will stop work 200 professionals and will reduce the institution’s budget at $700 million.

“Emptying is closing”the hospital workers warned on their social networks, where the image of a professional fired despite passing the suitability exam that the Government imposed on all state workers. “I can work elsewhere, I have my profession, but patients have no other place with the human quality with which everyone is cared for. […] There are many of us who work here to be able to give a hand to this population that is so vulnerable.“he testified.

Last Monday, deputies and representatives of social organizations accompanied the health workers of the Bonaparte Hospital in a ceremony that included a “symbolic hug” to the building of the institutions to demand the layoffs and the defunding of the organization.

Javier Milei reacted to the dismissal of 1,400 workers from the Ministry of Health: “Outside”

The Posadas, Bonaparte, René Favaloro and Sommer hospitals; he PAMIhe National Cancer Institute and the Superintendency of Health Services. These are some of the organisms dependent on the Ministry of Health where 1,400 people will stop working. The president Javier Milei celebrated the measure on their networks: “Outside. We continue with the chainsaw. End“.

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The news was made official on social networks by the health organization itself, which noted that the decision was made “within the framework of the restructuring“of the organism, “depending on the rearrangement of their powers and redirect of health policies.” “This measure is in addition to the 30% cut in political positions carried out during the first days of the year and which does not affect the normal development of the functions of the health portfolio“, they stated.

Likewise, they argue that the decision was made “within the framework of the change in their structures and from the identification of irregularities in the hiring of personnel during the previous managementto the duplication of functions and failure to fulfill tasks.” In that sense, they state that “a strategy to optimize human resources” of the Ministry was developed.

Source: Ambito

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