Mirtha Legrand got into the controversy and opined from the romance between China Suárez and Mauro Icardi

Mirtha Legrand got into the controversy and opined from the romance between China Suárez and Mauro Icardi

The driver also told a surprising anecdote of when the actress of Almost Ángeles went out with her grandson, Nacho Viale.

During his stay in Mar del Plata, Mirtha Legrand He got into the great controversy of summer and talked about the scandal they star Wanda Nara, Mauro Icardi and Eugenia “China” Suárez. In addition, he told details of his grandson’s relationship, Nacho Viale, with the actress.

As for the “Wandagate”, The “Chiqui” said: “Everything is rare. There are boys in betweenthat worries me a lot, ”said the driver in dialogue with the Intruders on the media separation that Icardi and Nara carry out while the player begins a new relationship with the “China”.

In turn, the journalist consulted her because Nacho Vialewho currently produces his television program. “Did you get to know her?” Asked the notary.

“Yes, I got to know her, It was very nice”Said Mirtha who then continued with his story YrHe agreed a particular episode.

“I remember that We arrived at a restaurant and they were eating. In a moment she took her hand and said ‘Nacho promises me that you will never leave me‘, and soon they separated, “he threw with mischief.

The tension between Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi grows

The tension between Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi not for. In the last hours a new audio of the businesswoman was known to her ex -husband, in which she referred to the children of the “China”. “Go clean Amancio’s ass,” he said in reference to the youngest son of the actress with actor Benjamín Vicuña.

Wanda Nara Icardi.webp

The phrase arose from a conversation between the exmatization that witnessed both the eldest daughter of both Francesca, and put it to circulate the LAM program, by Ángel de Brito.

In the conversation, they both talk about their home in common and Nara recriminates Icardi who received “others” children at his home: “What problem do you have if it is our house, not in yours? You have it full of assholes. We have animals. Obern, ridiculous assholes. And you can’t attend your daughter on her birthday. It is a shame. “

Source: Ambito

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