This type of tea that improves memory, helps concentration and reduces stress

This type of tea that improves memory, helps concentration and reduces stress

While nothing beats mate, there is a great culture of tea in Argentina, and could be very beneficial for health.

Tea is one of the most consumed infusions around the world, being the Black tea The most popular in Argentina. Each culture has its particular way of consuming it, where it can be accompanied with milk, cinnamon, or can be served with a whole ceremony of several steps.

One of the ways of preparation consists of not leaving the Fermenta sheet, which results in the green tea. This is known by all health benefits which brings, and a very important study suggests that it could be the solution for memory problems and brain capacity.

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Green tea memory benefits

According to one extensive research where the patient’s brain responses were analyzed, a large percentage of people who took green tea had a Improvement in working memory and in tasks related to the retention and recovery of information. This could be related to L-teaaninaan amino acid that improves concentration and Reduces stress.

In addition, it has the capacity to increase Theta brain waveslinked to the deep sleep cycle. At the same time, a study was carried out that came to the public in ‘Journal of Medicinal Food‘, who discovered that Mix l-teaanine and caffeineboth contained in green tea, Improve brain performance And the quality of sleep, being alert during the day, but getting a good break for the night.

Other benefits of green tea

  • Help regulate blood pressure: It has catechins, a bioactive compound with antioxidant properties that could help relax blood vessels and, as a consequence, regulate blood pressure.
  • Improve performance during exercise: Green tea intake usually helps improve performance in resistance exercises. It is possible that it is due to the stimulation of fats by the body to generate energy and the increase in energy expenditure.
  • Prevents heart disease: It helps to regulate cholesterol levels, mainly from the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, thanks to its antioxidant power. In addition to this, it inhibits the formation of blood clots.
  • Help losing fat: It contains a large percentage of bioactive compounds, such as caffeine, catechins and polyphenols, which could help favor weight loss and decreased abdominal circumference.
  • Combat fluid retention: Its main component is caffeine, which has diuretic properties that help combat fluid retention. In addition, it also has other components in smaller quantities such as theobromine and theophylline that also help stimulate diuresis, helping to reduce symptoms such as hypertension, for example.

Source: Ambito

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