Michael Hartl: Intervertebral disc surgery after six months of pain

Michael Hartl: Intervertebral disc surgery after six months of pain

Michael Hartl
Disc surgery after six months of pain

After months of disc pain, Michael Hartl had to undergo an operation. His wife Marianne supports him.

“Tablets, tablets, tablets” – that’s how pop star Michael Hartl (75) describes his life over the past six months. The former folk music star has been suffering from massive disc problems since the summer. , the pain got so worse at the end of the year that surgery was the last resort.

His wife Marianne (71) is his most important support during this difficult time. “Love is the best medicine. We stick together,” she explains in an interview. The 71-year-old has already drawn up a detailed plan on how she wants to support her husband in the coming weeks. “I will serve and pamper Michael at home,” she promises. The menu mainly includes healthy foods such as fresh vegetables, fish and nuts. She also makes sure that her husband doesn’t carry anything and that he moves “slowly”.

Party plans will have to wait

The symptoms were recently so severe that Michael Hartl was “only able to walk while bending over” during their vacation in Morocco, as his wife reports. With a heavy heart, the couple now had to cancel their planned party weekend at the Hahnenkamm descent in Kitzbühel. “Instead of Remmidemmi, there’s now a pampering program at home,” says Marianne Hartl.

But the pop star is optimistic about the future. “Now I’m happy that I’m finally pain-free. And everything will move forward,” he explains after the operation. The couple would like to appear in public again on February 8th at the Narrhalla Ball in the Deutsches Theater Munich – even if only as spectators for the time being.

In Schlager pension since autumn 2024

Marianne and Michael deal openly with illnesses. In March 2022, Marianne Hartl announced that her husband had suffered a stroke. He was operated on and had to spend some time in an artificial coma. The two performed together again in September of the same year. The big farewell tour of the successful hit duo followed in 2024. Marianne and Michael had their last appearance at last year’s Oktoberfest in Munich.


Source: Stern

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