Project is important to him: Surprisingly to see Prince Harry in video

Project is important to him: Surprisingly to see Prince Harry in video

Project is important to him
Prince Harry surprisingly watching in video

Prince Harry can be seen in a clip published on Tuesday with which he supports an important campaign in his homeland.

Prince Harry (40) tirelessly pursues his charitable work. The charity organization Wellchild, who takes care of seriously ill children and adolescents in the United Kingdom, has published a message from the Royal on a special occasion. The video that was spread, among other things this Tuesday, shows the 40-year-old in a casual shirt and apparently outdoors of his home in Montecito.

Wellchild explains: “Our patron Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, calls up the public to submit nominations for the 2025 Wellchild. This year the wellchild awards will be awarded for the 20th time, two decades in which the inspiring children and adolescents Great Britain who live with complex medical needs, as well as those who are celebrated for them are celebrated. “

In his video message, King Charles III’s son explains. (76) Among other things: “This year is particularly important because we celebrate the 20th Wellchild Awards. It is a real privilege, bravery and compassion for this incredible community to honor.”

In order for the prices to be awarded, those responsible now need “their help to nominate the extraordinary people who inspire them every day,” the Royal reports his appeal to people. “Your support can make the difference. Please join us to appreciate the amazing people who are awarded at the Wellchild Awards 2025.”

Prince Harry’s use for Wellchild

The organization explains to Prince Harry’s patronage, which has been going on since 2007: “The Duke of Sussex is always actively participating in the work of Wellchild and has met with many of the children and adolescents, nurses, researchers and volunteers who have met with the charity work together. ” The Duke of Sussex also took part in the Wellchild Awards, which has existed since 2005, “where he spent time with each of our award winners to listen to their stories and give them some fantastic memories”.

Prince Harry traveled to London for the award ceremony in September 2024. Several social media videos of the organization showed how the husband of Duchess Meghan (43) spoke individually to all the winners of the Wellchild Awards. He also posed on stage with the award winners.


Source: Stern

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