LOS GOBO: Entre Ríos and rumors of assets of assets

LOS GOBO: Entre Ríos and rumors of assets of assets

The default of the Grobo added a new chapter to the novel. This Monday, The Justice of Entre Ríos raided one of its collection plants, located in the town of Victoria, before a complaint for alleged improper retention of wheat. More specifically, as investigated, The Grobo had to liquidate the wheat delivered by an agricultural company and transfer the money, charging a commission. However, the company did not return the grain or confirm the sale, which motivated the search.

Justice intervened from a Complaint based by the agricultural company La CapillA, that weeks ago he had denounced the Grobo before the fiscal unit of Victoria for fraud, after having delivered 2.4 million kilos of wheat and not having received the corresponding amount for the transaction. The complainant had intimidated, by letter document, to the firm founded by businessman Gustavo Grobocopatel, to make the corresponding payment or return the cereal.

As stated in the complaint, The chapel first intimidated the Grobo to that within 24 hours it returned the entire cereal delivered. Some time later, the company, which in December fell in Default, restored 358,000 kilograms of wheat and then another 60,000 kilos. On January 17, representatives of the chapel were presented with a public notary at the Grobo plant and claimed the remnant, but did not get an answer.

In this framework, After the search, justice kidnapped just over 1.9 million tons of wheat and documentation related to the operation. The reality is that they are currently hundreds the producers affected by the default of the Grobo And they seek to reach an agreement with the company to charge for the grain delivered or, failing that, the merchandise is returned.

What follows

The truth is that the Group the Grobo is going through an increasingly complex situation. According to the updated registration of the BCRA, the Agricultural Grobo accumulates checks rejected due to lack of funds for more than $ 2.4 billion, while its other firm dedicated to the production and commercialization of inputs, Agrofina, has checks rejected for more than $ 1.7 billion. To this are added the stock exchange promissory notes for more than US $ 10 million and debts with banks that amount to almost $ 30 million.

In this context, last week, Banco Galicia did not stay with crossed arms and demanded the immediate payment of the amounts owed, marking its intention to execute the guarantees granted in each of the financing with the aim of recovering the pending amounts.

A key fact is that, according to information from the company, as of November 2024, the total agrofine debt and the agricultural grrobo, consolidatedly, amounted to $207 million (including capital and accrued interests). However, in the next three months nothing less than US $ 52 million between ON, stock market promissory notes and values ​​discounts. Everything seems to indicate that the group’s default will continue to grow in the coming weeks.

In front of this panorama and with the determined banks to collect, The company’s assets are in the sights. Several rumors circulate at this time, noting that A large agro -industrial company of national capital is very interested in acquiring many of those assetsS, but for the moment there is nothing concrete. The passage today expects the market, is that the firm requests the opening of a creditors contest.

In any case, the structure of the Grobo is gigantic. Your business is focused on the sale of agricultural supplies, agricultural production, collection and marketing of grains. At the moment, It has 15 grain conditioning plants with 340,000 tons of physical capacity, 6 professional seed processing plants, a flour mill, a phytosanitary production plant, 37 branches, 28 agro -support deposits and more than 750 collaborators.

In short, the future of the Grobo is uncertain. With an increasingly bulky debt and the pressure of the banks, the company must make crucial decisions to avoid a May collapseA, while affected producers expect answers that do not seem to arrive.

Source: Ambito

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