The little known tea that you must take to clean the liver and eliminate toxins

The little known tea that you must take to clean the liver and eliminate toxins

He liver It is an organ that regulates most of the chemical levels of the blood and excretes a product called bilewhich helps break down the fats and prepares them for later digestion and absorption. It fulfills a very important function in our body: eliminating accumulated toxins and guaranteeing the cleaning and health of our organism.

But sometimes, an unplayed diet, a sedentary life and without almost physical activity, ingest many medications or habits not as healthy, such as excessive alcohol intake or narcotics consumption, can affect its functioning, causing liver problems, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis.

In addition to being attentive to our habits, it is possible to have ally to the Natural Medicine To maintain a healthy liver. These alternative medicine techniques have the objective is to stimulate the innate healing capacity of the body, and facilitate that its balance mechanisms reach a good state of health, avoiding the consumption of pharmacological therapies.


The benefits of lion tooth tea for the liver

This plant that has been used historically for a wide variety of medicinal and culinary purposes in many cultures around the world. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E and K, and antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties.

But, in addition, it has two qualities that make it one of the best allies for our liver: it is purifying and diureticfavoring the Toxin elimination effectively. Studies highlight that this plant is usually used to prevent or treat different liver diseases, improving functioning, due to its high content of phytochemicals.

It is recommended to eat two daily cups, one in the morning and one in the middle of the afternoon, to clean the organ and, thus, improve its operation. Although, patients with ulcers, gallbladder calculations, and those who take lithium, potassium or other diuretics should not ingest this infusion.


Other infusions that serve to clean the liver

Mariano thistle

It is a plant whose fruits and seeds have been used for more than two thousand years as a treatment of liver disorders and bile duct. This plant native to Europe, but is also found in the United States and South America, is rich in bioactive nutrients and compounds, being the Silimarina the most prominent for its hepatoprotective properties.

It is a Flavonolignan complex that includes silibinine, sylidianine and silicristin, which contribute to most of its benefits. Has antioxidant and anti -inflammatory propertiessupporting liver health.

About this, Improves digestion Of the fats we consume, it prevents toxins from affecting the liver and provides a good antioxidant content that favor their recovery in cases of patients with liver conditions.

The recommendation is to ingest a daily cup for 5 days, preferably in the morning, to obtain its benefits.



It is a plant originally from the Mediterranean recognized for its edible floral heads. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is appreciated both in the kitchen and in natural medicine for its nutritional properties and health benefits.

Being an important source of fiberit is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system, helping to prevent constipation and favor digestion. Being one of the most powerful diuretics and purifying, making it an ally in weight management.

One of the most important compounds that this plant contains is Cinarinaa hydroxycinamic acid and a biologically active chemical component that can stimulate bile production. It helps eliminate toxins, clean the liver and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

It is recommended to take this infusion in the morning for 5 days to perform a deep cleaning of the liver and then every 15 days for maintenance. If hepatic conditions such as fatty liver or cirrhosis are suffered, it is advisable to ingest 3 daily cups.

The tea is prepared with dry artichoke leaves: boils and let them rest at least 10 minutes before drinking.



Easily recognizable for its slightly hairy and silver leaves, this Plant of Mediterranean origin offers a wide variety of benefits for those who consume it. Its medicinal and culinary properties make it a valuable resource in many cultures and traditions. Since ancient times, it was valued for its healing properties and distinctive flavor.

Your active compounds have properties anti -inflammatory and antioxidants that can help protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation. It is an excellent medicinal plant to eliminate liquids, reduce toxins, favor digestion and reduce blood glucose.

It is recommended to take between two and three cups a day for 5 days. This infusion is contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding, it also has other adverse effects.



This plant is an endemic species of Chile that can reach up to 20 meters high and has an extremely leafy appearance. It is quite aromatic and its fruit is edible and sweet when it is mature. It has multiple properties, among which its use stands out as a Liver and gallbladder operation stimulatingfacilitates digestion and renal secretion.

It is very popular to clean and purify the liver due to its high content of Antioxidants. It is recommended to eat three times a day after each meal for 5 days.

Remember that even if it is infusions for Clean the liver Of natural origin, it is always important to consult with our header about your intake, especially if you are under any treatment that includes medication. In addition, these infusions should not be combined with other diuretics, since you would favor dehydration.

In addition, none of these alternatives should be consumed for long periods of time. The ideal is to perform a continuous treatment of maximum 5 days and then use them in specific cases.


Source: Ambito

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